Biden thread III: Still Robinette after all these years

high schools experienced an increase of all drugs, not just weed that came from legal shops, which is how they surmised it must have come from illegal dealers.

How would you feel about doing this with unhealthy foods?

i fully trust that account, but worth pointing out just how much thc that psychosis case involved. the guy went from half a joint, to 3-4 joints per day. coupling that with otehr risk factors, it just doesn’t fit with how much most people consume recreationally.

Mostly supportive, but with an important difference.

Unhealthy foods are often cheap foods, so you would need to be careful of using a punitive tax as it would easily become a tax on the poor in the absence of equally cheap healthier foods.

Late teens to early twenties is also the typical time when males develop schizophrenia.

It’s like the same theories used by the OG anti-vaxxers about autism, which were similarly confounded by developmental factors.


While your analogy is correct in a technical sense, I also think it’s quite dangerous. Autism and vaccine causation is completely debunked, Cannabis causing (some cases) of schizophrenia is hotly debated and the pendulum is shifting from a historical view of “debunked” to lot of folks especially last 3-5 years getting pretty concerned

About the concerns that maybe schizophrenia is increasing

The article by Livne et al. in this issue of the Journal is the first report from a U.S. sample of an increase in the prevalence of self-reported psychotic disorders. The authors report an approximately 2.5-fold increase in the prevalence of self-reported psychosis when comparing nationally representative data from National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) conducted in 2001–2002 (NESARC) and in 2012–2013 (NESARC-III)

In the changing climate of cannabis liberalization, the findings of Livne et al. have considerable significance in informing public health policy and research. Furthermore, their findings in the U.S. population are consistent with other reports suggesting an increasing incidence of psychosis coinciding with the changing landscape of cannabis use ([6]. A population registry-based report from Denmark previously noted increasing incidence of schizophrenia spectrum disorder between 2000 and 2012 ([7] More recently, Hjorthøj et al. ([8] demonstrated that the population-attributable risk fraction (PARF) for cannabis use disorder in schizophrenia increased from ∟2% prior to 1995 to ∟8% after 2010. This fourfold increase in the PARF paralleled the rising incidence of cannabis use disorder and the THC content of cannabis in Denmark during the same period.

seems pretty crazy to get up there and give the anti-MLK jr speech. but i’m told the suburban whites love it i guess. that, “yep we’re the guys he was talking about in the letter from birmingham jail”. “dissent may never lead to disorder” put it on the campaign sign.

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biden’s position is in agreement with the vast majority of the country and is the only move that doesn’t hurt his presidential chances.



Isn’t Japan notoriously xenophobic?

From Merriam-Webster:
Xenophobia: : fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.


Maybe xenophobic isn’t the right word, but I think they have a view that all things Japanese (including people) are vastly superior to foreign things.

The word you’re looking for in that case is ethnocentric, and while I wouldn’t deny that Japanese have a strong sense of nationalistic and perhaps ethnic pride, Americans can hardly claim to being any different.

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I just watched a multi-part documentary about Japan where they kept calling the only white guy “Anjin”

Pretty offensive imo


Yeah, calling a boat captain “pilot” is considered to be about the most offensive thing a person can be called here. Especially back in the year 1600.

I mean, it’s still not a super nice thing to say to your allies.

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Seems the fuck up was a really bad word choice trying to discuss macroeconomics/immigration policy and chose a really shitty word.

Why? Because we welcome immigrants," he added. “Think about it. Why is China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble. Why is Russia? Why is India? Because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants.”

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About 10 minutes in Tokyo is sufficient to see how untrue this statement is.

This is the main point.