Biden thread III: Enjoy your retirement

You have to be a special kind of dumb to think it wasnt the flailing Biden campaign that didn’t finish better than 5th in early primaries and lost badly to absolute pond filth didn’t think having surrogates put out I WONT RUN TWICE as his highest level of argument(seeded into the media on purpose to bolster support)for office didn’t happen.

What am i reading here. Scary tbh. No there was no official statement. Yes that is what they tried to con voters into thinking.

If you don’t know now, you’re beyond hope.

Beyond hope of your posting and beliefs lol?

Well none of those surrogates put their name on the quote. All those articles are literally unnamed people close to the president. Maybe his team floated that and he was even receptive and people close to him spoke because they thought it might bolster his chances against younger contenders but he decided against.

There was in no way a promise from him or even anyone on his team. Some unnamed person close to you saying early in a campaign that you are probably going to do a thing 5 years later doesn’t constitute a promise even if it was some sort of intentional political gamesmanship.

Do you personally think Biden sold himself as someone who may not run for a 2nd term because of his age?

Again i wasn’t saying the guy promised. His campaign definitely insinuated because of course they knew he was a decrepit candidate.

No I don’t think he sold himself that way, had Trump not been similarly old he might have tried it but he didn’t

So all those stories were coordinated fakes in your opinion?

That’s nearly impossible. Your best case scenario is the Biden campaign wanted the media and general public to think that without Biden explicitly saying that. Especially considering the sources who were very Biden friendly.

I don’t think they’re necessarily coordinated. Maybe one outlet reported it and other just referenced the first. I don’t remember this being talked about at all during the general election, so it wasn’t a thing he was selling

Do you actually think it’s good for Democrats or bad for Trump if he doesn’t run?

Not looking to pick any fights, just giving you my impression/recollection. There was always some noise about him serving one term, whether that noise came from people who wanted to believe that, or whether it came from a few anonymous sources looking to game something, I couldn’t tell you specifically as I was not tracking the number of these tweets/reports. I don’t think it was ever raised to anything close to a campaign promise, and to explain why moribund Biden won the primaries is: because he crushed SC and a bunch of eDems fell in line and Bernie’s relative weakness with more conservative/older Democrats was too much to overcome.

Whether he implied he wasn’t going to run or not, he shouldn’t be running for another term. Expressing that belief, or disappointment in many aspects of his presidency, shouldn’t be very controversial imo.

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I would prefer another candidate although I don’t know who specifically. The 2020 Dem primary wasn’t exactly awe-inspiring, and Bernie is even older than Biden!

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Sigh I know and agree.

Your choices are Biden, Kamala, or Buttigieg.

Newsome is your leader after Biden

This woman for president imo:

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Found your handle:


Tbf he delivered on his promise of “nothing will fundamentally change” so you gotta give him that.

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From the NMW manifesto: people showing inadequate reverence to Biden are nazis, but people punching down are just having good fun and shouldn’t have to put up with wokescolds