Betting on Politics: Predictit is NOT Dead

McCabe market back higher than it was before the crash. I almost doubled down during the crash but decided to just hold instead.

Yeah same luckily didn’t sell but should have def bought more at 20c

Only have about 400 shares or so

McCabe market is hilarious. Are there others with lots of Q believers? Some of these guys also seem to be trolling, but Yes is @ $0.56

The Comey and Brennan markets. And generally anything involving Clinton.

Yeah, there’s a strong Q presence on Predictit and I love taking their monies. The Comey/McCabe markets are been absurd.

robert_orr is my favorite account on predictit, i thought he was trolling but nope 100% pure believer

Comey market is up to 22c lol

Took too many pucks to the head during his playing days imo.

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I might be out to lunch but isnt there a real chance for McCabe but Comey should be 1%?

Wouldn’t disagree but seems unlikely given the situation and above letter?

So, this is not something I follow and so this might be a dumb question, but why are we so sure the DoJ won’t bring politically motivated criminal charges?

It’s possible, but seems super unlikely. I don’t see any real benefit to Trump other than maybe it riles up the QAnon folks.

The DoJ just released a memo straight-up saying that they weren’t going to charge Comey with anything because he hadn’t broken any laws, so I think .20 is a crazy price for that market.

Can Popehat move markets?

Quoting from PI thread:

Ken White (aka Popehat) believes the most likely case is that the grand jury returned a no bill on the McCabe case.

It’s not just him. It seems to be the most widely accepted explanation.

Wonder what it was in the last few hours.

It could be but I wouldn’t read to much into it. $500-600 worth of shares could just be someone reading this thread and deciding they want in. It’s not a real liquid market.


Can someone explain the significance and relationship of these stats?

Volume in the market is really thin and the whole thing just fascinates me. How many total shares are there?