Best books to educate your fewer well-read UPers

I like Surely You’re Joking a lot. Very entertaining and I’d like to believe my hero was not just doing self-promotion but unfortunately Feynman was as deeply flawed as anyone.

Apparently available for free so fuck amazon (CIA finally did something good?)

The book will emphasize this, but just to second what it will tell you:

Take the time to slow down and do the exercises in each chapter. They are essential to the lessons and experience the author is hoping to impart.

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A gem of a find from within the Jordan Peterson article a fellow Unstucker pointed me toward in another thread.

There’s no good reason for turning to evolution and the animal kingdom for moral advice, yet this is what Peterson recommends. Or doesn’t. I am dreading the inevitable emails insisting that I just don’t understand Peterson, containing copious quotes in which he insists he is saying the opposite of things he seems to be saying elsewhere.

(By the way, an amusing aside: a few years ago my colleague Oren Nimni and I wrote a parody of nonsensical academic grand theory called Blueprints for a Sparkling Tomorrow, which literally happens to contain a passage recommending that human beings look to lobsters for moral advice: “We therefore propose a substitute outlet for humankind’s affections: the arthropod. Anyone who has attended a lobster wedding knows full well the kind of profundity and romanticism of which these divine creatures are capable. Yet the arthropod languishes in America’s batting-cages and seafood joints, stripped of its potential and dismissed in its attempts to make edifying contributions to civic life.” Peterson’s failure to credit us borders on academic malpractice.)