Belarus: Just a prelude to November or another bad result for 10 millions Belarusians?

worth adding Poland :poland: to this revolution watch. It’s pro-choice/anti-abortion culture war, but it’s a proxy battle against Law & Justice.

I guess it’s time to bump this. Lukashenko didn’t go away. Belarus downed a plane flying through its airspace so that it could arrest a journalist critical of Lukashenko. EU responded by rerouting all flights so that none entered Belarusian airspace. Russian responded to this response by banning any flight that had been rerouted (essentially saying you have to fly over Belarus if you want to fly into Russia).

This is all because Biden is weak and the world no longer respects America. It is known.

Not flying over Russia would have a pretty big impact on direct flights from the eastern half of N. America to almost anywhere in Asia, but I don’t think there are very many of those?

I wonder who gets hurt more by these bans, the EU or Russia? I really would like the EU to play hardball.

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So true, have we even seen Biden make the trademark tough guy kissy face?


How could you not respect that?

Ahhh yes the western backed “journalist” delivering on the ground news from Belarus (not really but he really knows what’s going on there) to hopefully bring more freedom

Just a normal “journalist” who “volunteered” with the Azov battalion to help spread their neo-nazi propaganda

It’s weird how western media loves portraying a lot of nazis, neo-nazis, and right wing religious extremists as the ones standing on the side of “freedom” lol

Entire thread on his “freelance journalism” work he did with azov which is why he was supposedly there and a bunch of info regarding this “journalist” lol

It doesn’t matter if he is an upstanding journalist or not. Belarus hijacked an airplane and all its passengers.

lol it matters if he’s a neo-nazi, I’m not going to waste my breath defending a neo-nazi who calls himself a “journalist”

And half the western media/politicians speaking up about this are perfectly fine doing business with Saudi Arabia or promoting the next big Saudi project in their papers lol because money makes the world go ‘round