Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

I’m currently agnostic on this point. Could you expand on why you feel this way?

wow I didn’t even know that existed, I’ve been doing this the hard way


No super deep thought behind it. Just feel like if we use mods from 22 that this place will be moderated in a way similar to 22 and I thought we wanted something different here.


This fits in well with what me, PocketChads, beetlejuice, and others have been advocating. Beetle would obviously be an ideal choice for Head Arbiter.

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What the hell. @NotBruceZ is one stingy bastard hearting posts! :grinning:

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I’ve said this repeatedly because I think it’s important. Rotating mods won’t mean better mods. Imo there’s nothing wrong with any of the current mods. There is a problem with mods being permanent (or just “permanent” because they keep being re-elected) imo, but I would not rule anyone out because of their having been a mod on 2p2.


@clovis8 I’ll just post it here:

Min post threshold = 1000

Username                 Posts Read/Made         Posts         Posts Read
Kep                            305.279            1011          308637
Bigoldnit                      283.580            1448          410624
MimosaDef                      280.474            1334          374152
King_of_NY                     257.198            1873          481731
geewhysee                      250.607            1593          399217
spidercrab                     245.995            1701          418437
MasterofthePwn                 225.427            1598          360232
jwax13                         223.286            1361          303892
StrontiumDog                   222.159            1803          400552
jerry                          216.210            1029          222480
DrChesspain                    213.616            1777          379595
AllTheCheese                   213.315            1205          257045
TheDuker                       203.881            1475          300724
feedthabeast                   199.421            1008          201016
Fatboy8                        197.622            1705          336946
grue                           193.975            1943          376893
m_reed05                       193.907            1509          292605
TrueNorth32                    191.329            1950          373091
NhlNut                         185.981            1018          189329
TheHip41                       183.618            1203          220892
Fossilkid93                    179.374            1030          184755
Rugby                          177.583            1310          232634
Chuckleslovakian               173.585            2697          468158
Crunchyblack                   173.579            1796          311748
Tilted                         173.172            1421          246077
MysteryConman                  173.088            1302          225361
Huehuecoyotl                   169.659            1284          217842
FuncrusherPlus                 167.489            1224          205006
kerowo                         166.569            1523          253684
oneeyedtripping                160.759            2809          451572
ripdog                         157.534            1450          228425
iron81                         156.341            1994          311743
meb                            154.636            2052          317314
MichaelDavis                   146.130            2930          428160
hokie                          140.197            2711          380075
ViridianDreams                 132.934            2347          311996
pyatnitski                     132.792            2185          290151
LouisCyphre                    131.998            3519          464502
otatop                         131.470            3032          398617
Coasterbrad                    131.266            2514          330002
Thin_Slicing                   127.716            2232          285063
nonfiction                     127.094            1791          227625
champ                          126.512            1784          225697
mukdukaluk                     123.167            1668          205442
Aofrantic                      122.490            1848          226362
JordanIB                       118.917            2186          259953
nobody                         116.800            2135          249369
LFS                            116.594            2010          234353
catfacemeowmers                115.862            2549          295333
Watevs                         113.447            1418          160868
churchill                      105.340            1648          173600
wirelessgrinder                101.247            4348          440220
seities                        101.025            1255          126786
prana                          95.899            3558          341208
cassette                       94.043            3580          336674
smrk4                          93.874            4338          407224
econophile                     91.366            2383          217726
MrWookie                       86.721            4443          385303
tabbaker                       86.350            4097          353777
mjiggy                         86.034            1887          162347
Devil                          84.486            2913          246107
Sabo                           84.306            1894          159676
goofyballer                    83.807            4421          370509
eyebooger                      83.629            5173          432614
VoteForSocialists              82.410            1222          100705
ChrisV                         82.087            4060          333274
Goebs80                        81.435            4545          370120
bobman0330                     78.252            1411          110413
Nicholasp27                    76.515            2409          184324
nunnehi                        74.642            4584          342161
pvn                            73.606            1483          109158
zikzak                         73.605            5335          392683
StimAbuser                     73.461            4066          298692
Melkerson                      73.428            4894          359355
Chippa58                       70.868            1927          136563
dlk9s                          65.297            3773          246367
CaffeineNeeded                 64.284            1504           96683
NotBruceZ                      63.562            7728          491209
mosdef                         62.893            6163          387612
Rexx                           61.772            2080          128486
boredsocial                    58.367            7189          419602
JohnnyTruant                   57.257            7283          417004
simplicitus                    54.823            5352          293413
6ix                            50.902            3957          201421
All-InFlynn                    50.366            2993          150744
SenorKeeed                     49.601            5687          282079
skydiver8                      49.336            5217          257387
WichitaDM                      47.055            7484          352159
d2_e4                          46.050            1293           59543
imjosh                         44.616            2998          133758
anachronistic                  43.730            2490          108887
MikeLikesOrgies                43.212            1012           43731
Vict0ar                        43.056            4014          172825
MattyLice                      42.156            4582          193161
Jbro                           41.748            6699          279669
jalfrezi                       39.891            7956          317372
Yuv                            39.682            3856          153014
marty                          39.615            3884          153864
kre8tive                       39.230            5941          233065
ggoreo                         38.499            7982          307300
DrJenniferMelfi                37.102            2261           83887
Trolly                         35.853           10554          378392
clovis8                        34.977            8190          286465
Lawnmower_Man                  34.716            3974          137963
DodgerIrish                    34.204            2826           96661
zarapochka                     33.737            2479           83633
superuberbob                   33.615            6989          234936
beetlejuice                    32.454            8023          260379
Danspartan                     32.286            6143          198330
anon92450360                   31.984            5837          186690
wheatrich                      30.789            6335          195047
CanadaMatt3004                 30.296            7099          215074
jman220                        29.790            6140          182909
Smacc_25                       26.963           12824          345769
Riverman                       25.932           13332          345724
jmakin                         25.888            4594          118931
Marksman                       24.365           10053          244945
microbet                       23.055           14173          326764
Rivaldo                        22.781            4008           91306
PocketChads                    21.115            4586           96834
commonWealth                   18.464           15243          281453
Cactus                         17.635            1278           22538
R.C                            16.845            1654           27862
suzzer99                       16.458           15121          248863
RiskyFlush                     15.663           15735          246465

Please note this info is publicly available, and I did not use any admin abilities to get it. In my opinion, people towards the bottom of this list would probably make great mods (ignored the bots who were all at the bottom), for reasons I explained earlier (although this shouldn’t be the only metric, obviously). Not surprised to see 2 already existing mods and a lot of potential candidates on there.

ETA: and the inverse isn’t true, if you are at the top of the list it does not mean you’d be a bad mod or whatever. Just a dumb metric I am probably interpreting poorly.

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I need a hobby ffs


I think the more interesting data would be most posts read/fewest posts made. Lol.

I was even stingier before I realized you needed to like a certain number of posts to get TL3. I do it every once in a while, but it’s just not a natural impulse for me.

Here, have a like from me.


Damnit. I was reading threads, not posting in them.

I would submit @Spidercrab for the drama mod draft. IIRC, he has a Cavachon to sooth the nerves. It’s hard to underrate those sweetheart pups.

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Agreed it shouldn’t disqualify people. But aren’t almost all of our current mods former 22 mods? I don’t have a specific beef with any of them but I don’t know if desire to be a mod is a great quality in a mod, if that makes any sense


Chads was never a 22 mod as far as I remember

I don’t believe micro was either.

@microbet ???

(Sorry for the @ but jmakin has me curious now)

maybe OOT for a minute, if that ends up not being true I’m gonna have a surreal effing “mandela effect” moment because I swear I remember this.

I was not. (I turned it down - eta: not OOT, it was STTF)

But, whosnext is up as a volunteer here and I think he’ll be approved by vote and he was a mod at 2p2.

TBH I was one of the laxest (is that a word?) mods on 2p2. In all my years of modding there I think I have perma-banned fewer than 10 people total. And I was stingy in doling out temp-bans as well. From my experience people really really hate getting temp-bans (who knew?).


You always seemed fair and reasonable to me.


Some people have taken it as the not very big deal I mean it as, but yeah some people do seem to really really hate it.

I feel so fucking left out by this temp ban business, micro or someone can you ban me for 2 hours? Incoming donkey porn

:horse: B======D :sweat_drops: :horse: