Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

ROFL. That you have a hate boner for it is not the same this being widely acknowledged.

I’m kinda shocked that mods don’t actively want to be relieved of their position when new respected volunteers step up (especially after significant time in the position).

This is truly fascinating human psychology to me


Lol you at blathering on about what has and has not been acknowledged

I’ve literally no interest in the shit slinging but Keeed and PocketChads would both be good mods imo.

Reckon they should be given a go.


I’d vote for both of them.


As someone who was a mod in SE on 22 for years, I never want that job on any Internet forum again. It’s so much more fun just being a regular poster. Anyone who wants to volunteer their time to do the job and isn’t taking it on as a way to exert power over the forum will probably do a good job.

To all of UP



I seem to have a very different take on which side is trying to solve things and who is just arguing itt. Which sucks for me, as you are literally the only person in this forum who likes my humor.


Alright, there is only one solution.

Everyone scan their passports. We vote then flay 3 Americans and 3 Euros alive, and let the vultures devour their corpses.

Ban everybody from the UK and lock the UK politics thread.

Problem solved!

Now onto what actually matters!

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Funny how they have yet to do so.

I disagree. What actually happened is somebody bumped the thread and re-started an argument that was already decided, and made some pokes at the people who voted in favor of the C-word. Pretty early on, both Jal and d2 said to lock the thread as it was a settled matter.

Rather than the thread being locked, the arguments continued about a previously settled matter, with wookie getting involved and giving as good as he got over many posts.

Then Sky came in and admonished only Jal and team (for lack of a better description) for continuing the arguments and not letting things go. (Even though before it had really flared up they both asked for the thread to be locked.) And it’s not like they were, you know, arguing with themselves. And in fact, since the matter was already settled by vote in their favor why are they catching any more heat than wookie and the others involved with it arguing their case again rather than locking it up?

And this right here is what I was talking about when I said Sky threatened to ban users for doing something that was previously voted on as acceptable.

Looks straightforward to me. She threatened to ban users for something voted and settled on.

And then from here we have a week of escalation with only one side getting admonished, moderated, and temp banned.


You don’t agree that “the community is dying” in the title and posts is a bit hysterical too?



FWIW it seems like yall are doing a great job because I am completely unaware of the increase in moderation and I honestly didn’t know there’s some army of dipshits who are mad at mods (I do remember the weirdo with the creepy green dude crypt-keeper looking avatar who complained but I hadn’t ever even seen him before)


well, great, if they’ve already decided you’re biased then there’s no further downside to nuking them

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I have no idea why people keep coming into the thread, volunteering that they have no clue what happened, but then reflexively assuming that the mods handled it all wonderfully and everybody opposed should get banned.





We should probably not use this word when ultimately discussing banning the word ■■■■ from being posted.

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me not seeing the feud is a good indication that the mods are doing a good job

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Sorry, but that is wrong. It just means that you somehow managed to avoid the 5 or 6 (or more) threads solely dedicated to the matter that never should have happened because we should have moved on from the matter after it was voted on and settled.