Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Oh well.

Wookie is clearly angry and offended. At first i thought the wording of the poll he opened was a self-aware joke, but as it happens most of the time, i misjudged it.

This, combined with yesterday’s offensive post and this thread makes it obvious to me that a change is needed and that change shouldn’t include any judgement or lack of appreciation.

I’m also beginning to realize that team black square will not settle for anything other than jal perma’ed or they will take down the forum. Like Chris Rock said - “i ain’t fighting”. Good luck.


Be careful who you ask.

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That post above really doesn’t help but I’m leaving it.




I wouldn’t allow personal attacks or namecalling towards anyone but me. If two or more people were squabbling incessantly in inappropriate and disruptive ways I would deal with it, first by talking to them, then probably confining it to its own thread, then banning them if it came to that. People would be free to question any and all decisions I make without limit, I just can’t see that bothering me. They would also be free to question any decision I don’t make.


I’ll volunteer for mod under the conditions that I get to ban people I consider troublemakers while ignoring any complaints about my decision-making skills and disregarding any demands for changes in my moderation approach.

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The Canadamatt approach to modding, I see

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Bring Forth The Reign Of Ked


I’m not happy to ban people. It sucks. But losing better posters or having an almost year long feud across dozens of threads is worse.

I wish people could be more like keed and brush off being moderated.

I also think quitting here or Twitter etc is always dumb. Definitely take time, take care of yourself, but you don’t have to be all in.

Keed was born to mod. Like i can’t imagine there’s any better function for his online persona.


If you have good mods who make the community better by being mods and are willing to keep doing it, then there is no good reason to kick them out. Conversely, I think “rotating in” is code for “rotating i mods I agree with on my “side.”” And a shitty mod rotating in can do a lot of damage. For example, I am confident that the clique would be outraged if I rotated in as a mod (don’t worry, I’m not). I would similarly likely stop posting here if one of them rotated in.

I don’t think d_2 should have been banned for saying I’m sorry that’s how you feel. I think it was fine to ban that Quant guy for calling someone an idiot, although I might have just had a word with him since I think he hasn’t posted much.


I think Keed would do great if he refrains from his thing where he likes be a heel against a large amount of people (which I usually find funny, but from a mod I wouldn’t).

So my question to Keed would be, how seriously will you take this? What will you do if/when everyone starts ganging up on you? Will you put yourself in these kinds of situations or would you try to avoid them?

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Lots of people get super upset about a browser tab with an ‘X’ on it. Holy guacamole, ya’ll just addicted to the outrage.

The community should vote a mod in or not. Your argument doesn’t make any sense.

You won’t be accepted as a mod right now because it will clearly not help the community. A pair of fresh eyes on the situation might help. The pushback is the most obvious tell i could have imagined that this a power battle.


I would have voted to something close to #1.

Please. The community very nearly voted in boredsocial who was running on the sole plank of permabanning jalfrezi. It was only after he explicity dropped by to admit that’s what he was doing that the community reversed course.

I mostly volunteered to dispel the idea that mods could never leave because there would be no one to replace them. I’m still a willing volunteer if needed.

To what extent do you think you would moderate things on this forum?

I’d probably follow microbet’s lead and warn people to cool off or face escalating short temp bans. Keeed’s on the right track with containing endlessly squabbling posters.

What will you do when people criticize your decisions and write thousands of posts in About Unstuck about them?

Ignore it as much as possible or at least not get baited into replying in kind.


So you just made my point?

A guy wanted to be a mod.
The community was like sure man go at it.
A guy says “oh btw i’m going to ban some guys i don’t like”
Community goes “nah bro”

And you give it as an argument to why more unregulated permanent modding is required?

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