Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Hard to see how they can do this for a EUA
vaccine or how they tie it to money when the vaccine is still being proritized. That aside, might be a good idea, might really lock in some minority to not taking it, hard to say

Not sure if this has already been posted, but an allowable (forgivable) use of the second-round PPP loans is: “Property damage sustained during protests and disturbances in 2020, unless covered by insurance.” I thought that was interesting.

Manchin wasting no time being a useless piece of shit.

Because vaccine distribution and sending checks out are done by the same people obv

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Hopefully Joe will give Joe the old presidential strong arm and make him some promises.

It’s not that fucking hard to means test this thing in a progressive manner. Just make it taxable on its own schedule.


Manchin isn’t a big deal, we needed R votes for this anyway.


Because the filibuster is still in place.

The pressure for a clean bill will be huge. Call you Senator and ask why they aren’t supporting…

They’re getting really strict with these EIDL requirements.

Applicant does not present live performances of a prurient sexual nature or derive directly or indirectly more than de minimis gross revenue through the sale of products or services, or the presentation of any depictions or displays, of a prurient sexual nature.

What about us poor souls whose mere strut is enough to make observers shower us with quarters?


I feel like my hands are tied with Get My Payment. I’ve tried for three days all sorts of variations on my last two addresses and it keeps locking my account after three tries. I had the same problem last year, but I filed taxes and then moved again at the end of last year.

There appears to be a non-advertised workaround where you can update your address with the IRS by requesting an online transcript, but you need proof of identity I don’t have, eg current credit card (not debit card with CC label), an auto loan, a mortgage.

Maybe call them Monday and wait on hold with the other gazillion people having the same issue?

Negative, they can throw this in the reconciliation bill which only requires 50 votes. Congress gets 1 reconciliation bill per year which is how Republicans passed tax cuts and tried to pass their shit healthcare bullshit.

Yes, and let us konw how many episodes of a TV series you get through before you talk to a human being. :D

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There are a bunch of hoops you have to get through to pass a reconciliation bill, I figure it would take at least 3 months. I just guessed that would be unacceptable to the lefties. My other guess is that there are better things for lefties to burn their one bill/year opportunity on.

I will tell the customer service rep as soon as they pick up.

“I finished an entire season of Leftovers waiting for you to help me. Who do I speak to…about how amazing this show is?!”

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like what? Reconciliation bills can be passed on spending or revenue. you cant pass M4A or court packing or DC statehood through reconciliation

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Interesting addition to the things to which one must attest for this new round of PPP loans:

The President, the Vice President, the head of an Executive department, or a Member of Congress, or the spouse of such person as determined under applicable common law, does not directly or indirectly hold a controlling interest in the Applicant


After sitting on hold for an hour, I spoke with someone at the IRS today. They said a different department would need to help with questions about my address, so they transferred me to a different line, where I was greeted with a recording that said:

Due to our high call volume, we will be unable to take your call. Try again another time. Click