Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Will Senate even vote? I’d guess no.

Action now turns to the Senate, where it’s unclear if the chamber will even take up the House proposal, despite Trump insisting Sunday night he had secured an agreement from Republican leaders to do so.

In a press conference Monday, Schumer said Trump needs to be much more vocal in demanding Republican support if he wants to get the stimulus boost enacted.

“These Senate Republicans have followed you through thick and thin,” Schumer said. “To the president: talking is not enough. Act. Get on the phone and get those Republicans in the Senate to support $2,000 in relief.”

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The House was already scheduled to be in session Monday to dispatch another Trump-related wrinkle — the president’s veto of the annual defense policy bill. The bill, which has been signed into law for nearly 60 years straight, passed both chambers earlier this month with veto-proof majorities. If the House and Senate are successful this week in bucking Trump, it will be the first veto override of his presidency.

Late Monday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he would block Senate consideration of the veto override until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed to bring the House’s stimulus check bill up for a vote.


Raises an interesting question, how many actually good senators are there, like 5?

This is correct


As someone who doesn’t 100% understand the nuances of all of the Senate rules, does Bernie actually have the power to do this?

Total guess, but I’m guessing he would block consideration of it via ‘unanimous consent’. Which basically means he can’t block it, but he can make it a procedural pain.

He can filibuster.

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I assume Bernie would not say this without any kind of plan, no? Even if it’s as Riverman says just to filibuster. My naive heart doesn’t want to think Bernie would say this as empty theater.

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He could probably get at least 10 others to get behind this and make the threat credible.


It’s interesting, both Trump and the Democrats will use this against the establishment Republicans if they don’t pass it. And rightfully so. And it’ll pass if it’s an up or down vote. Hawley, Rubio, Graham, are already on board.

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100%, and not because it will benefit me directly lol

Theres a reason they are going to try to tie this to 2019 taxes even though we can start getting 2020 taxes in soon.

So if they let Loeffler and Perdue vote yes on the $2,000 that would throw it to Pence. Trump clearly wants it. Establishment clearly does not.

But supposedly if it comes to a vote there are already enough Trumpers to vote yes?

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Yeah it’s a really bad move for the republicans to block it. It is not going to be held against them in any meaningful way (passing the 2k) and since when were they afraid of hypocrisy.

They certainly don’t have an ethical or moral struggle related to it, just more stupid political theater for an audience who does not care.

The only probably legitimate threat is it will end up being so popular that the public will want more and this puts the anti human party in a bad place.

But as for this act…


Lol sweet summer child etc etc

Here you go:

Still $0 for the family making $150,001, correct?

Great way to alienate your base of educated professionals, libs. Means testing is so stupid.