Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

What the fuck

That gerrymander is really delivering.

Yeah it’s finished unless the GOP is on a total air bluff and gives up immediately. There’s absolutely no way we even think about saying yes to this.

This is Mitch blowing up the deal. Must have decided he doesn’t need it in GA.

The fed is one of the only levers for economic stimulus available with Mitch in control of the Senate. If we give up that lever in any way shape or form we lose a lot of our ability to keep the economy propped up.

If this thing passed it would be the easiest ‘short everything’ spot in the history of stonks. We’d be on a short trip to realism town.

If I were the donors I’d be furious Mitch even let this go on the table. Seriously this is bad for everyone and maybe worse for rich people than poor people.

What odds do you put congress passing a bill with 300 additional unemployment before years end?

Zero point zero percent with the fed handcuffs.

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Joe looks at Mitch and sees a champion of bipartisanship.

Mitch looks at Joe the way I look at a nit from 1/2 coming to shot take 5/T who has the most obvious physical tell in the world when he’s nutted.


Apparently the compromise is that Toomey’s language restricting the Fed is applied retroactively to funds already allocated but does not apply to future use of the Fed’s own money.

Still zero zero, iyo?


So $600 checks for low income people plus enhanced UI and the rest is a handout to the wealthy?

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And no retroactive UI so those of us unemployed from August to now don’t get any aid.

You gotta be unemployed from March to July or for 6-10 weeks from January to March or you get no help.

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It brings a tear to your eye and makes you want to sing God Bless America, doesn’t it?



Looks like this is a done deal. Not sure if it gets voted in today or tomorrow.

$284 billion for more PPP


The biggest law firm in your city will be collecting another $10 million courtesy of the taxpayer

Who is this? What an elite follow


If the language is the same as what was being floated the past few days, eligible businesses will have to show that gross receipts were down 30% in at least one quarter of 2020 compared to 2019. Also can’t have more than 300 employees.

So that helps a little. But I’ll definitely get more personal benefit from this new round of PPP than a $600 stimulus check, that’s for sure.

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Don’t know, actually. Just a random comedian as far as I’m aware. I think someone else here posted a tweet of hers a few months ago and I’ve been following her ever since.

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I’m sure they already found loopholes around those restrictions.