Are you doing everything you can to stop trump?

Trump is the worst president of our lifetimes. If he wins on Tuesday the country may never recover. He’s an embarrassment and a fool. The election is in 6 days; here’s what you can do.

  1. Vote - you can start at
  2. Give time - Join Us - Stand Up America
  3. Give money -

We have this thread, and then another saying don’t vote. What do I do, unstuck?

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Review the credibility of each OP and act accordingly.


The other thread isn’t saying not to vote in this election. It’s a thread discussing Political Abstention. Now that that’s cleared up, perhaps you can stop misrepresenting the conversations that people are having, and make on-topic posts in this thread.

Back on topic: I would highly encourage everyone who has friends and/or relatives in swing states, to connect with those people and GOTV. I made a list of about 50 people, and started contacting them a month ago. I am conversing with them about not just the vote, but potentially what happens if/when Trump pulls the elections shenanigans. Most people aren’t as dialed in as us, and they have very little idea of what could possibly go down.


Well thank god we have you to police a 4 post thread

You made a no-content off-topic post, as the first reply to a legit thread. Keep doing you bro!

I’m the only one that has added on topic content, other than the OP.

More content: When conversing with my friends and relatives(especially those who are not Trumpers), I’ve been encouraging them to get connected with mutual aid and affinity groups in their communities. This will be essential if mass civil action is necessary to remove Trump. Incept those ideas in their minds now, so it’s not a shock if it happens.


Goofball I was just thinking about you the other day, hope all is well.

[Chud]wait or is that goofyballer I get so confused[/Chud]

some organizing in here - Organizing Unstuck 2020


Yeah, I still play poker and not just during the pandemic so keeping in touch with filthy degenerates is how I’ve gotten some swing state apathetics to register and vote. A few in Michigan, two in North Carolina, etc.



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You felt the need to clarify that the thread literally titled “don’t vote” is not actually about not voting. I stand corrected and scolded. Carry on.


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I will contribute: my part has been fighting the online troll war against the hivemind. Anything anti-science, racist, misogynistic, inhumane, or flat out fascist I have been trolling and shouting into the void at for 4 years now. I honestly believe it makes a difference and anything that pisses off trump followers is a worthy endeavor in my opinion.

I vote and volunteer for campaigns, I did canvassing in 2018 and flipped a seat. this year did a little phone banking for my representative.

I donate to campaigns that are close races.

I tell all my undecided and non-voting friends how and where they can vote and keep nagging them. Have had a few change their minds.

I honestly don’t know what else to do. Many times it feels hopeless, and I truly believe trump will win this election, whether through legitimate or illegitimate means.


I’ve gotten a few young people to vote who’s thought process was their votes are meaningless (an one was right because she lives lives in a total red state). But I’m slightly proud of the fact that my persistence paid off and a few people voted that never would have (and they’re all gonna vote Biden and Democrat down the ballot)

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I provide comic relief and emotional support to my American friends who have been heavily burdened with the Trump presidency.