Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!



Hurray, now NY gets a Governor who was against driverā€™s licenses for the undocumented, who was endorsed by the NRA when she ran for Congress, and who describes herself as an ā€œindependentā€ democrat. Literally to the right of fucking Pataki on gun control.

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Preet wanting to vigorously investigate the corruption of NY dems seems like the most on brand preet move possible

Just curious what you thought was going to happen a year ago when you wanted to send this piece of garbage (yes , people paying attention knew this at the time) to the literal white house



This user is suspended.

Reason: Duplicate account

Lol. So curious who this is.

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Itā€™s a great account name.


Whichever mod did it didnā€™t log it.

Good that Cuomo resigned.

But, there seems to be quite the discrepancy between democrats resigning when accused and/or guilty of sexual harassment and republicans not resigning. e.g. Trump was recorded about how he sexually assaulted a woman (elected president). Matt ā€œpunchaable faceā€ Gaetz accused with pretty good receipts of sex with underage girls (still serving in congress). Gym Jordan accused of molesting boys (still in congress). Al Franken accused and some receipts of sexual harassment (resigned). I"m sure thereā€™s more. WTF with democrats resigning while republicans just continue on their merry way?


I wasnā€™t sure if we logged basic things like banning alts created to continue posting but Iā€™ve added it to the log.

Dems really live by that whole ā€œwhen they go low, we go highā€ thing, even if it will eventually lead to their defeat. At least usually, I think Cuomo might be resigning to try to dodge actual prosecution.

Katie Hill

I guess it must have been Whatevs since heā€™s the only person currently banned.

I also havenā€™t seen any mention about whether the primary banned poster had his temp ban extended.

Itā€™s almost like Republicans know they could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters.

Fuck this guy.

So any new account automatically gets IP checked now?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Is this true? I thought he was just molester adjacent or an abetter.

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May have been molester adjacent or abetter. Itā€™s hard to keep them all straight.

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