Amazon, the Catalyst of a Philosophical Hijack on "Human Nature"

There are really only two general categories of things Amazon doesn’t sell.

  • Things that are impractical to ship via common carrier (appliances, tigers)

  • Products that have such a specialized niche/dedicated customer base that they don’t need to slum it with the plebs on Amazon (this category is continually shrinking)

If you live in a major metro area you can even do most of your grocery shopping at Amazon, and even if you don’t you can still get all the middle aisle stuff that doesn’t have a short shelf life.


So why can’t I just make a botnet to fake list items lower than Scamazon on other flea market sites and kill all of their stupid buy boxes?

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Jeff Amazon will have you killed.


holy shit, uh, yeah, wow (i just went to amazon dot com)

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Oh I welcome it. Jeff would have to use the Chinese counterfeit tiger arm extenders that were 3D-printed in some amateur’s basement because that’s all he has in stock.


If Jeff Amazon can find and sell me a copy of the Skyhaul parody catalog from roughly two decades ago I will join his cult.

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Is this a motor for tiger arm extenders?


He can sell you a fake copy that some moron scammer printed a pdf of on his inkjet printer. That’s what you get access to by joining Scamazon.

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There’s a “what is this thingy” picture thread that I should post it in. I think I’m up for posting in it too.

But, anyway, it’s a dryer timer/switch. I fixed our dryer. This is an anti-consumerist purchase!


The best product I ever received from Scamazon was an adult medium t-shirt that arrived 3 or 4 months later and was clearly printed on a home printer because I could see the jpeg compression artifacts where the idiot tried to enlarge it. The shirt might have been big enough to fit a ten-year-old child. I’m not even sure how this happened, but I think it was an item I had in my cart from a legit seller that went out of stock, and so this scammer swooped in and claimed to “have” it and I didn’t notice it. But yeah let’s raise retail prices globally for this shit.

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Have you ever ordered any audio equipment from Amazon and if not, is it because they didn’t have it? I’m kinda getting disturbed seeing all the stuff on this site that wasn’t there before.

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Yes. Have to vet sellers though which is hard because all you can see is a screen name and other items they have for sale, so figuring out of it’s a legit business or someone selling stolen/damaged/returned/used merch isn’t easy. You should exercise the same caution you’d use at a flea market.


Ok holy shit I’m glad you’re awake and online and looking at this thread, lol, what do you make of this:

Second pic seems like Jeff Amazon saving me a few little dollars compared to the actual AKG website…

…1st pic is SCAME right?

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I wouldn’t be here in the jungle if I didn’t want to know how the sausage gets made. Share as much as you’d like.


That sounds like a level of involvement I’m not into. I just want to make a list bot to undercut and crash the entire thing. Need to find a site with a Top Shot-style low ask glitch and hammer it.

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But 2nd pic is sold by ableseller. Does that sound like somebody you would give $423 American to and feel good about it? The easy game here is to just buy an open box from a legit retailer and list it on Scamazon as new. That’s what this entire fucking site is: a flea market. First pic might be straight up counterfeit. Who knows? Have you seen how good the fake Rolexes are now? They’re fucking insanely good. Some AKGs are probably trivial to fake.


@JohnnyTruant you were not lying about the layout holy fuck. I can’t find it now and maybe it just changed but I saw the “one(1) available new OR used”. Schrodinger’s sale price.

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Well yeah, I’ve only ever bought stuff from the actual site of the company, or Sweetwater, and usually the former. You’re saying even the $30 deal could be scammy as shit?

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People are flipping NBA gifs for 27 cents profit. I’m pretty sure they’d do it for $30 on a pair of headphones. I mean ask yourself who is this seller and how do they have it for sale that cheap? It’s not because they are on here giving shit away at a loss. That seller appears to be an online power seller across all of the major sites selling random ass electronics. They are buying used/returned/stolen/damaged shit and fraudulently flipping it as new merchandise. It is used merchandise by definition since they are an owner of the product and not an authorized retailer. This is the business model.


Oh I don’t doubt you, I’m just saying that my babe-in-the-woods thing here isn’t an act. I’m not a big fan of Amazon workers needing to wear diapers and having heatstrokes so fuck them, and because of this I’ve never really paid attention to this whole other part.