Amazon, the Catalyst of a Philosophical Hijack on "Human Nature"

That last one is my personal opinion, although I do have a ton of personal experience of people who loudly proclaim their own goodness (it’s ironically not something actual good people do… but something most really shitty people do constantly).

Us being shit on a macro level is just read literally any history book. Pick one at random and read it lol.

Happy people are just people with the right brain chemistry to feel happy more of the time. Good for them IMO.

Whether a person is good or not has to do with the choices they made when they made them, why they made those choices, and what the outcomes of those choices were. A lot of so called ‘good people’ do a lot of awful shit ‘for the right reasons’ (that they bury their heads in the sand about to maintain sanity).

I’ll let you in on a secret… most humans think they are good people. They are very creative about it too. There are plenty of rapists and murderers who think they are the hero of the story and not the villain. Much like how I wonder about the insecurities of people driving gigantic vehicles I assume anyone making a huge show of being a great person is probably compensating for something.

Except Dolly Parton. She’s a fucking saint.

Does it give you any pause that no one has agreed with you all morning? I would think that at least your opinions based on personal anecdotes should be revised given the contrasting anecdotes of the crowd you are arguing with.

Does it give any of you pause that not a single one of you has had a single factual argument they could make to disprove anything I’ve said, beyond attempting to claim I said things that I explicitly avoided by being very clear about it being a macro point?

It’s not my fault that some % of this forum wants to have childish ideas about people instead of admitting reality and working inside its constraints.

Dolly Parton is the richest good person I can think of.

You’re changing the topic.

You had stated that some of what you have written is conjecture based on personal experience. Many people then share contrasting personal experiences. My question is whether you will revise your conjecture based on this new information.

I don’t disagree with him. The only difference I have with him is his cranky tone, lol. I’m still a pretty happy person overall despite being a misanthrope because I just accept it.


One thing. That thing was about the tendencies around the relative goodness of people being loud about being good. Humans being on average selfish pieces of shit… yeah no that one is the one that bothers everyone and it’s the one I’m most confident in. My confidence is going up as a bunch of very smart people fail to find a single counterfactual to it.

Yeah I’m mentally ill obviously. Not kidding here I’m not OK and I doubt I’ve ever experienced what you people call happiness for an instant. My earliest memory is of child abuse lol. PTSD + ADHD + Depression/Anxiety. Good times.


Have you changed your opinion about that one thing?

Uh no absolutely not. I have a lot of personal experience with shitty people and generally the worse they are the more aggressively they try to manage the public perception of their goodness. Literally everyone around in my childhood thought my dad was a saint… and he really fucking wasn’t.

Ok, man. Go start a blog or something if your opinions are impervious to new information.

Pretty sure he can post here as he likes. Why do you think it’s okay to tell him to go elsewhere?

Right back at ya. You want to know a rule that has never steered me wrong? If the name of a trucking company is religious in any way the people who run it are the worst kinds of scumbags. My dad was a pastor and I got to see a lot of holier than thou so called do gooders who thought a lot of themselves. They’re some of the worst people I’ve ever met in terms of what they actually do every day.

It’s not the doing good deeds that makes you bad. It’s the people who are out there aggressively taking credit for every single good thing they do. I say this knowing full well that one of my ground rules is to never do a favor for anyone without them knowing about it.

Literally every time you use Jesus trucking and it’s not named after the owner Jesus from somewhere in the spanish speaking world you’re dealing with some really lousy people. It’s like when a company says they’re a like family.

I’m sorry for being rude. His style of posting sends my lawnmower into orbit. I have never encountered someone who is so confidently wrong about so many things.

He has outright stated that he is not here to change his opinion about anything. How can we have a discussion under that condition? That’s what blogs are for.


BS, are you spinning right now? Like, out of control? This thread … sitting here watching you revise and revise this post … this thread turning from “humans are trash” to about your dad … take a breath? seriously. The discussion isn’t going anywhere.

I mean he’s not wrong ime. It’s also not something that can be proven true or false. So unless you think your opinion should outweigh his own life experience, I’m not sure what you are trying to accomplish here.

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You’re missing the point that no one has to “refute literally all of recorded human history”; they just have to refute one instance to show that human nature isn’t inherently bad.

It isn’t about my opinion versus his opinion. It’s an epistemological point about the weight of many anecdotes vs. the weight of one. I was trying to move the discussion forward with what I took to be an entirely uncontroversial point…and was told that, no, the weight of one anecdote outweighs the weight of many.

I’m stepping away for a bit because you might be right that I’m being unreasonable.

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