All That Jazz - Skydiver8's Democratic National Convention adventure!

Sean Evans of Hot Ones fame used to give those tours as well.


So, due to our location, I and my group of San Diego delegates were on TV and in still images a LOT. I mean, a LOT a lot.

Here’s a few besides the close-up shot in the Obama video that I posted above. (pictures of TVs incoming, lol)

Other general remarks. One thing we didn’t anticipate was the schedule and how tight it would be. Some of this was due to the fact that McCormick place and the United center are so far apart, and a lot of it was due to the fact that we were California and sitting on the floor of the center.

That meant we had to get to the United center earlier than anyone else, which also meant there were a lot of things that we just couldn’t do. I missed a lot of the caucus meetings I wanted to go to, and I also had to skip a lot of the events I was invited to because they were all happy hours that started at 3 or 4 pm…way past the time we already had to leave for the Center to get our seats.

This was the only downside of being on the floor, because the delegations up on the sides could easily show up at 5:30 and have no issues getting to their seats with their states.

The tight schedule also meant that our food planning was very very bad. We had our breakfast, then would grab something quick down in the hotel bar, or if we didn’t do that, it was United Center chicken strips, which became a sort of meme on delegate twitter. On top of that, you couldn’t bring said chicken strips on to the floor, so you had to stand around in the hallway and eat them. I got smart and grabbed a hotdog, which was easy to hide in my bag.

Anyway, I somehow got incredibly lucky and was able to attend what might turn out to be one of the best DNCs EVER, which was not on my radar at all when I won the seat. In less than 24 hours in July, it went from gloom to excitement, and it’s still hard to believe I was actually there.

In my final win of the week, 5 of our group came home with COVID…and I somehow avoided it. Not sure how since we were together a lot, but hey, go me!

Oh! someone asked about the signs. @MrWookie I think? They had volunteers pass them out a few minutes before the appropriate speech (start at the end of each row and we took one and passed the rest down the row). I grabbed a ton of them on my way out to hand out to Dems back home. People invariable left a bunch on the floor at the end of the night.


MrsWookie says thank you!



Did not have skydiver playing Hide the Sausage on my bingo card.




You did open the door. Remember men are just old bodies that 13 year old boys walk around in.

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Perhaps a dumb question, but do you have to pay for concessions at the United Center, or does the DNC pay for that and you’re free to just go around and eat and drink? If you are paying out of pocket, it is covered by some state pot of money, or is it you paying out of your pocket? I have no idea how the convention/delegate system works.

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Oh, my @SweetSummerChild

We paid for everything. There were no rules against raising money through gofundme or whatever, but here’s a rough breakdown of what I paid:

Airfare ~$500 (with an upgrade on the flight home)
Hotel ~$1000 (that was WITH sharing a room)
Tickets to the CA breakfasts and after party: $350
Other food/alcohol: ~$500
Merch: ~$200

So not a cheap trip.


cool thread!

That’s really not too bad for a 4-5 day trip to one of the best cities in the world. I know it wasn’t exactly a vacation, but hopefully you enjoyed yourself. Sounds like you had a blast. We all enjoyed this thread and are glad people like you exist to be our delegates!


Makes sense. She only raised half a billion in like 7 days. :roll_eyes: