All That Jazz - Skydiver8's Democratic National Convention adventure!

Officially, yes, but I might stay one extra, still deciding.

So funny story. I’ve decided to visit my parents before heading to the convention, so I need a way from Cincinnati to Chicago.

First, you all have to meet my father. A dyed-in-the-wool, true blue southern Democrat (a real one, made by Labor and the working class then sharpened by academia). He’s thrown himself into “helping” me get ready for this convention.

This man was a Senate page in high school and has been interested in politics ever since. He’s in a local Dem club and by virtue of having been involved in my hometown’s local issues for 40+ years, he knows everyone. He also was in grad school in 1968, and vividly recalls the DNC that year.

He’s already bought me a “tactical safety undershirt” (basically a stab-proof vest), a little collapsible baton thing, and wants me to get one of those protective hats that look like a baseball cap. God bless him.

But one good thing he’s done is get me a ride up to Chicago. First, he called his friend Kathy, who happens to be the chair of the Butler County, OH Democratic Party. She suggested I ride up on one of the buses they’re getting for the Ohio delegation, and to call this guy Bill who is coordinating them.

So my dad calls this guy Bill, who gives him the info, says I’d be more than welcome, and tells him to have me send an email with my contact info.

I, being semi-knowledgeable about how delegations are chosen and how state parties work, decide to google this guy Bill just out of curiosity.


So, I send off the email to the gmail account i have for “this guy Bill”, after quickly changing the salutation to “Hi Sen. DeMora” and I’m just laughing because this guy Bill is a STATE SENATOR and my dad is just so loveably clueless.

So long story short, that’s how I have the personal contact info for a random OH state senator. Being the politico that I am, my only thought is, “you never know when you might need it!”


I assume you plan to go rogue and vote RFK?

J/k. This is a cool thread. Look forward to following along.

I’m on my way to Ohio to visit the parents for a bit.

Current situation: stuck in the back of a plane in DFW waiting to deboard for my rapidly-dwindling connection to Cincinnati. We’re in Terminal A. My connection is in C. There’s a medical emergency so I’m hoping I can make it


Update: I made it to my connection due to some extraordinary luck: my arrival gate was right next to the inter-terminal tram station, and my departure gate was also right next to the tram station, so I didn’t really have to walk a long way on either side.

We then went to a restaurant I wanted to try based on reviews and a recommendation from a random guy at one of my tables at the WSOP this year. Was not disappointed! Food was incredible and the bourbon bar was one of the best I’ve seen. Of course, no one really does bourbon bars in CA, but still…

Now I’m sitting at my parents’ house getting a list of all the things I need to help them with in the few days I’m here.


Thank you for your service.
Enjoy your cosplay!

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Yeah, Harris won already 4563 to 52. Not a very good showing for “Present”. They did get 2 delegates from California though.

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Had a final CA Delegate call last night. Found out some info on the delegation breakfasts. Everyone wants to come to CA’s stuff because a)home state of the nominee and b)biggest delegation. So among others we get Pelosi on Monday morning, WHITMER (AAAAHHHH) on Tuesday morning, Hakeem Jefferies on Wednesday, and Jasmine Crockett on Thursday. And that’s just the first round of folks announced.

Also, the CA after-gavel party on Wednesday night will probably have every big name stop by (possibly even Walz. Not sure about Harris because of security shit). It’s usually the best party every year but this one will be especially big.

I’ve already been invited to several things on Sunday and Monday, seems like the organizations are sending invites on a rolling basis, so I expect more as the days go by.

I have already had 5 different people (non-delegates) ask me how they can get into the convention in the evenings, like I’m some high muckity-muck who knows the answer to that. I don’t know! I’m just a peon! I’ve been told everything is sold out and no one’s getting in, but I’m sure if you’re Gavin Newsom’s bestie he can probably sneak you in. News: I am not Gavin Newsom’s bestie.

Anyway, hopefully pictures with Big Gretch incoming. please stand by.


Awesome. Keep em coming. Hope you have a blast.


I’m on a bus!!


The Ohio folks on this bus are absolutely blown away by these wind turbine farms in NW Indiana.

I’m like :woman_shrugging:t2:


Ohio doesn’t have them?

Iowa is full of them. Southern MN, Illinois….

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Is that Big Gretch by the bus?

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You will see me on tv. We’re in the third row, center. My view:


This is very cool. Especially neat to start from the first post several months ago (i.e., the before times) and think about how different your expectations must have been then versus now.

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This is awesome

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Keeping my eye out for sky!

steve kerr sighting!


Well, you’re famous now!

Cross posting cause I thought I put it in this thread. Hope you are having a blast, skydiver!