ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Real or Onion?

Real. My kid is sending me test texts as prep for getting his driver’s license.

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I guess they caught the guy who shot the cops? Haven’t looked into who he is yet.

Wow, sucks for him that some of the bullets must have gone through the walls of nearby buildings instead of straight into human flesh.


Today in leopards eating faces news:



Who says the Commerce Clause is dead

In one case, in which the federal government argued a Molotov cocktail an “unregistered firearm” that was unlawfully possessed by a person with a felony conviction, the interstate commerce hook was that the bottle of Patron tequila he used was produced in Mexico. “Therefore, the Patron bottle would have traveled in and affected interstate or foreign commerce,” a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office detective on a FBI task force wrote in an affidavit


Kinda gets lost on some people

Pretty nail on the head with “because people just don’t like being told what to do and not to do by the police” imo.

This is pretty cool. I don’t think it accomplishes much in the big picture. But just getting those beautiful cats to react to their own tactics sure is good for our morale.

Here’s a pet peeve of mine among us direct actioneers: we need to get our own internal Messagista Brigade under control. Like, every peep at an organizing meeting who suggests we pick venue by symbology should be “twinkled down” without mercy. Fuck that shit.

What we, meaning it would be a really good thing if a general consensus was reached among our various organizations, should do is pick default standard venues. Venues selected on tactical and practical criteria.

Yeah, that caught my eye too. In my mind it’s not the role of the police to tell people what to do. It’s a problem that lot of people think it is, and that the police surely do as well.

These are the sort of tactics I’ve wanted to see protesters use.

There are a couple of good movies about the Scholl siblings and the White Rose:

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Again, it’s important for us to remember that “the protestors” is a media created fantasy.

As I’ve blogged before, demos come in two flavors… permitted and non-permitted. Non-permitted demos are free-for-alls. Anyone can show up and do whatever they want for any (or no) reason.

There were no tactics in the early days of this uprising, nor could there really have been… that was just rank-n-file peeps spontaneously and organically assembling for any number of their own personal reasons.

Conversely, tactics take some degree of prior organization, which is what we saw in Seattle last night. This isn’t a change in tactics by “the protestors”… as again, the existence of such an organization is 100% media created fantasy.

Heres Charlie Kirk being a fucking stupid cock


“Breonna Taylor gets caught in the crossfire and passes away.”


16 posts were split to a new topic: The TIpping Point