ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Black people calling for abolition, maybe if you watch the live protest you’ll learn what the people on the streets are calling for

No one ever claimed zero black people are for abolition of the police. Much like white people - black people don’t all share the same opinions.

Also why do you expect me to acknowledge this video mashup thing - when you dismissed the video I posted as “fake news/out of context”?

It’s live video of the protests.

A question for those who dislike the slogan “Abolish the Police”.

Can you come up with a better slogan if the goal is to decrease faith in police as an institution? Must be short enough to be chanted and to fit on a sign at a protest.

It got the bully to run away and stop trying to break into my house. My next step was to get my mom’s gun. Although I didn’t know where she kept the bullets. So I was just going to try to scare him with it. I’m glad it didn’t come to that.

There probably wasn’t actually a rapist coming for my babysitter. But it would have been pretty terrifying to sit there and wait hours for our parents to come home.

My stepdad’s mom is an example of your only option when there are no police. I’d rather have the option to call the police and not feel the need to own a gun.

Defund the police

Also we’ve been pretty clear that abolish the police as a slogan may be an effective position to take. We’re talking about actually literally abolishing all police - which half the abolish the police people itt seem to believe in, while the other half see it as more of a starting position.

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I posted video - you waved it off and refused to even address the idea that a protest leader was pushing for specific legislation.

OK. I got a proposal for the “where’s the proposal” folks.

  1. We got an election to fund & populate a blue-ribbon committee to draft a plan to establish a series of voluntary experiments where the police as we know them are replaced with the buddy system I spewed about above. If that committee is successful, then…

  2. We got an election on implementing those experiments. If these prove successful -and- all the necessary edge cases and exceptions seem to be handled in a successful manner too, then…

  3. We got an election on widespread implementation for a test period. If that passes, then…

  4. We got an election to make it permanent.

Just to remind everyone: I’m making this “proposal” as a thought experiment only. I’m not saying this is what I’m personal for. In fact, it is not. I’m not going to “debate” it. Like it -or- hate it… it’s all good to me. I also don’t give the slightest crap of how well it would “poll”. But I’m curious how it would poll among my fellow UnStuckers…

  • The buddy system is stupid, and I feel it would poll bad
  • The buddy system is stupid. I DGAF how it polls
  • The buddy system is stupid, but I feel with the right Mad-Men, it would poll well
  • I DGAF about the buddy system, or how it polls… you fucking bastard!
  • The buddy system is cool, but I feel it would poll bad
  • The buddy system is cool, I DGAF how it polls
  • The buddy system is cool, and a feel with the right Mad-Men, it would poll good too.

0 voters

I’m on board with having “abolish the police” as a slogan. I was just curious to see what the alternative would be for those who don’t like it if you give them the explicit goal of trying to make police less popular.

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This is my primary frustration with this thread. I’m the crazy one for even acknowledging there are times when calling the police is a huge lifeline.

I’m done. I can’t keep getting sucked into this. I literally have high blood pressure right now and this isn’t helping.

$1000 to the first person who catches me posting itt - unless it’s an accident and I delete it right away. IE - it will cost me $1000 to continue to torture myself arguing stuff that I think is common sense (and 99% of the public agrees with) and getting excoriated for it - like I’m the one proposing far-out ideas that have never been tried and not the other way around.

I’ll start a new protest thread for people who believe in solutions other than abolishing all police when I have something to discuss. Kindly don’t attack every non-abolish idea there - as as we already have plenty of threads to discuss abolishing the police and the state - including this one.

I actually have a ton of respect for guys like sabo and Pocket Chads and whomever else I missed out there on the front lines. I think nothing but good can come of it. If it leads to a leftist revolution and that’s what the public wants, so be it. I don’t think the pressure is bad at all - because right-wingers only understand getting hit in the mouth. Keep up the good work.

I just think we have a much greater chance to help people with legislation like ending blanket immunity, sunshine on discipline records, Daniel’s law, etc. and stripping away a lot of police responsibilities in non-violent contact situations.


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Yeah, peeps should start playing the “where’s the proposals” card on the “it polls bad” fools.

The cops being shot in their car reminds me of an incident in our neighborhood growing up. A teenager got high/drunk out of his mind, somehow got hold of a shotgun and shot a cop as he sat in his car. Shot him in the face. Cop survived somehow. The kid, no kid now, I’d assume is still in prison if he’s still around.

I don’t know for sure if it’s related, but the city bought up all the houses in the neighborhood, including ours, and razed everything literally to the ground. Various schemes to develop the land were proposed and abandoned over the years (decades, now). The land still sits there, a scar on the city.

The neighborhood was mostly Hispanic and black in a majority white city, btw.

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I’m very tempted to change the thread title to “Let’s talk about the Kansas City Chiefs” or something like that.


or “20 essential ideas for suzzer’s new book”.



How’s the book coming along bud… :v:


I get suzzer’s frustration, the post is just a bunch of wretched emotional dumbassery.

This thread had me thinking recently about the interactions I’ve had with cops over my lifetime. These 2 stories are the only times in the past 5 years.

  1. I drove somewhere about 30-45 minutes away from home and by the time I left it was dark out. When I turned on my car, one of the front headlights was out. About 5 minutes down the road I get pulled over by a cop and explain to him that I’m aware the headlight is burnt out, that it literally just happened and I’m just trying to get home and will fix it tomorrow. Ok, he runs my license and plates, nothing comes up and he sends me off with a written warning. I get pulled over 2 more times before I get home, and both times explain I’m aware of the situation, and that I’ve already been pulled over and hand them the written warning.

  2. The only car accident I’ve ever been in. I’m driving somewhere in town during a really bad snow storm. My car and another vehicle are approaching an uncontrolled intersection, both traveling under the speed limit, but both skid on the road and are unable to stop. Our cars hit each other in a minor fender bender and come to a stop, with damage to both vehicles. So we call the local police station because you’re supposed to file a police report since there was enough damage that this is going to go to insurance. The cop who arrives on the scene proceeds to write up a brief police report and issues a ticket to both of us for failure to control a vehicle and leaves without providing any other assistance in the situation.

Thinking back on these, both situations are completely absurd the more you examine them and shouldn’t actually require police intervention at all. I also think about the fact that both situations have potential to go much worse if I’m not a white male.

If we go further back than 5 years, I could write many stories about the interactions I personally or friends have had, and every one is dripping in white privilege on closer examination.


My post was bad and I apologize.

I haven’t read too far into this abolish the police and I figured your response was going to be something different than to call a friend for a home invasion. I figured you were being honest and then you mentioned burning your house down so I wasn’t sure what fuck happened to you.

Then you mentioned cops don’t help abused women which i think is something better to roll with as it illustrates that cops really don’t offer the protection and savior that they are imaged to have.

I mean, It would be better to just say to deal with that shit on your own and put a cap in his ass than to call a friend or burn your house down. I can get on board with that.


Let’s chat a little more about tactics that are diverse. Here’s a painfully common phenomenon…

  • News: The cops are wilding again…
  • Liberal: ZOMG I’m going to phone bank!
  • Radical: ZOMG I’m going to block traffic!
  • Liberal: I just think we have a much greater chance to help people with legislation
  • Radical: Por que no los dos?

Or, more on point… why does it so often sent the liberal’s lawn mowers into orbit when non-liberals ask the above Q? And… concern trolling, it’s always the concern trolling.