ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

My main point that went over Sabo’s head is that there’s a ton of mixed messaging when people only protest whenever a cop kills a Black person. It’s as good of a reason as any to get out there, but it shouldn’t just be about cops killing Black people, which is what most seem to think the movement is about. This brings out the white supremacists and makes it mostly about black vs. white, which it shouldn’t be. I’ll repeat it again. These supremacists are too stupid to see that they have more in common with Black People than they ever will with the establishment that is complicit in the oppression of minorities

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Not at the same rate per capita.

But yeah cops killing/murdering as much as they do overall should be an everyone problem.

Yeah, no not really.

I mean cops kill people because they’re murderous hateful bastards, but they especially kill black people because they’re murderous hateful racist bastards.

Studies are mixed and data is very hard to interpret due to so many variables (like Black people being stopped at a much higher rate, or the fact that they also commit more violent crimes per capita, etc.). Black people are also much more likely to be subjected to non-lethal violence during am arrest or just a stop. But there’s no way that the Breonna Taylor incident couldn’t, or hasn’t, happened to a white person many times over. But yeah, my point is that it’s a societal and a policing culture problem that must be fixed ASAP

This isn’t my understanding. White cops are no more likely to kill a Black person than a Black or Hispanic cop. If that’s wrong, please lead me to more accurate data

Wouldn’t them being stopped at a higher rate also be part of cops being racist…

Yes. I’m not arguing that Black people aren’t subjected to a very racist system. The fact that they comprise 13% of the population and commit around 50% of violent crime is also due to racism imo, which is why I won’t put up with people using that statistic as justification of more Black murders and racial profiling when it comes to stops

But I think the deeper problem is with how fucked up our entire judicial system operates. There should be an end to plea bargaining and bail requirements for non-violent crimes. There’s a shit ton wrong with our system of justice that disproportionately affects minorities and poor people and puts them in a never ending cycle of problems


Does anyone here think Biden supporting defunding the police would be a good political move right now?

I’m not asking if it’s the morally right thing. I’m asking if it is politically the right thing.

It’s pretty widely unpopular among the electorate.

That’s like asking if George Will would end a sentence with a preposition.

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This is the sort of bloody nonsense up with which I will not put.


I’m wondering how his concern for our troops’ well being rhetoric plays out with knowledgeable voters who know he voted for all of the wars and isn’t exactly demanding and end to them now. Although, it will be a very good thing if he follows through on better care for vets



I might have missed it because I skipped the Cactus derail but really, no posts about this insane shit?

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This is heartwarming


He doesn’t have to put it in those terms exactly but yes he should be saying

hey mack those cops have the you know the things big tanks on the streets I mean cmon man that’s not like officer Bob who worked my town back when my dad was driving around he knew everyone and he didn’t need all this gear. We should spend that money on the stuff you know the thing for people that they like… Oh I don’t know its not right though mack.


I’m going to get skewered for this (and I should): I agree that generational wealth should be taxed at a high rate. I’m not in favor of completely taking it away. I worked a standard corporate career and recently inherited a sizable chunk of wealth. Yes, I used that wealth to retire early (oligarchy behavior). I also use the wealth to support progressive candidates, funding to support an anti-racist school initiative in my town, and candidate funding at the state and federal level to vote out GOP and Trump. Alice Walton uses a portion of her wealth to fund parks and public land use in Arkansas. She also got rung up for drinking and driving. My point is that fail sons and fail daughters can use generational wealth for good as well as evil (or frivolous). Taking that away completely might dampen some of that effect. My brother does none of these things so, yes, YMMV.


As the father of a child with autism, this story has me legit shook. We pulled my son out of public school when the SRO decided to use his authority to try and discipline my son. IMO, any such intervention should have been in the jurisdiction of a licensed mental health therapist. The mother in this case even provided the police with instructions and context on how to handle her son’s condition. It’s getting more difficult every day for me to view police as anything but thugs and I live in the most lily white sheltered town imaginable.


Inheritances should be taxed like the extremely destructive to society luxury that they are… and they should also have a hard cap. There’s no viable path forward for capitalism that doesn’t involve some pretty massive anti snowball mechanics, and ending inherited wealth is the most obvious first step.

Inheriting a lot of money, and knowing that you will, is insanely bad for most people anyway.


I agree in general, but one of the obvious paths to minority power is allowing them to inherent wealth through generations. Somehow this has to be accounted for in any tax system.