ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

“This case can only be understood as a disturbing example of the old adage, ‘The enemy of your enemy is your friend,'” said John Demers

Kind of but many white supremacist have as their number one enemy Israel and Jewish people. The only reason they want to take down America is because they think the (((globalist))) control it. They very well may view Hamas as a real ally. I mean i guess they would still be enemy of an enemy but its Israel who is ultimately the enemy of both.

I doubt revolutions are even possible under a modern autocratic regime with such a huge and loyal military.

Plus modern surveillance technology. Hard to form a continental Congress when your every word and step is recorded and analysed. Where you can be singled out and defenestrated long before you have the chance to build any coherent movement.

Revolution is 100% possible from a technical standpoint even given an extremely powerful military and surveillance state.

To govern people, you need some degree of their consent and buy-in. Using the military is extremely risky and can erode public opinion on a dime. You have to avoid letting it come to that at all costs.

That’s why Putin is a master of disinformation and propaganda. If people feel there’s nothing in it for them, a cohesive opposition will build up no matter what. But Putin makes people believe something is in it for them. Playing to both sides of many issues, pandering to minority interests that don’t really have a cultural downside—this is all at least as important as a military or surveillance state.

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The underlying problem the librulz have with the above is that the above is incompatible with capitalism.

Let’s consider the rent system, although the same dynamic holds with the other two pillars of modern capitalism: the wage system and the credit w/interest system. If, say 50% of people are renters, and 45% are non-landlord freeholders, and everybody is taking equal shifts doing enforcement… how are the capitalists going to get their violent evictions done?

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In a statement first shared with The Associated Press, labor leaders who represent teachers, autoworkers, truck drivers and clerical staff, among others, signaled a willingness Friday to escalate protest tactics to force local and federal lawmakers to take action on policing reform and systemic racism. They said the walkouts, if they were to move forward with them, would last for as long as needed.

“The status quo — of police killing Black people, of armed white nationalists killing demonstrators, of millions sick and increasingly desperate — is clearly unjust, and it cannot continue,” the statement says. It was signed by several branches of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the Service Employees International Union, and affiliates of the National Education Association.

Among the supportive unions are ones representing Wisconsin public school teachers who, ahead of the mid-September start of the regular school year, urged state legislators to take on policing reforms and systemic racism.

“We stand in solidarity with Jacob Blake and his family, and all communities fighting to defend Black lives from police and vigilante violence,” Milwaukee Teacher’s Association president Amy Mizialko told the AP.

“Are we striking tomorrow? No,” said Racine Educator United president Angelina Cruz, who represents teachers in a community that abuts Kenosha. “Are we in conversation with our members and the national labor movement about how we escalate our tactics to stop fascism and win justice? Yes.”

The Nonprofit Professional Employees Union, which represents several hundreds of professionals working at more than 25 civil rights groups and think tank organizations, told the AP it signed onto the union statement because “the fights for workers’ rights, civil rights, and racial justice are inextricably linked.”




Oh no, don’t cry Kirk. I don’t wanna cry.

These Kentucky Derby protestors are not fucking around

I’m gonna keep saying it… The two men in that pic probably have more in common with each other than they ever will with a cop, politician, prosecutor, judge, or DA. The elite’s conquer and divide strategy purporting identity politics (with the left obliging) will be the ultimate ruination of democracy


It’s pretty confusing out there w/o a playbook and uniforms.

Man, this packs a huge amount of nonsense into one little sentence.

First, there’s the concern trolling (“the ultimate ruination of democracy”). Always with the concern trolling. SMH. Second, you can’t answer 20 simple Qs about your premise without dissembling. Here, I’ll give you four to start out with…

  1. IYO is this “identity politics strategy” you speak of counterproductive? Not just useless or sub-optimal for those those employing it, but actually detrimental to their own causes… as in if those people did nothing at all that would be better for their own causes?

  2. What subset of people are you referring to as “the elite”? As an aside: have you considered that being so damn vague here tends to make people who hear your statement think of the “Illuminati”, or other such conspiracy theories?

  3. Who are you referring to as “the left”? Donkeys, anti-capitalists, pitchers who throw with their southern facing arm, batters who hit from the box closest to first, others?

  4. Can you describe this “identity politics strategy” in general terms, and without making reference to any particular examples?

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Kirk demonstrates the frustration a lot of people feel in regards to not knowing exactly what to do and not understanding how there are people out there who not only don’t at least empathize but actually take joy in the pain.

Too often I feel like I am just paying dismissive lip service even though that is not how I feel.

I think my post makes pretty clear my opinion of it being counterproductive

What part of politicians, cops, the ultra wealthy, and pretty much anyone holding a high ranking position in government or the judicial system didn’t you understand? How is that vague?

It sounds like I’m referring to people like you who label themselves liberals without really thinking through the issues they bray on about

Sure. All the people I mentioned as “the elite” are grifters on both the left and the right. The strategy is to get us commoners fighting among ourselves, instead of paying attention to them and stopping their continued evil acts to gain more and more power

You said 20. That was just 4. You might want to work on reading comprehension, since every question you asked, can already be found in my posts. And if you want to make the argument that democracy around the globe is in great shape and the left are strategic geniuses on the path to solving serous real problems like racism, climate change, a policing murder culture, industrialized prisons and military complexes, growing wealth inequality, etc., I’ll wait…

Kinda mean to call Sabo a liberal


Yeah got a good chuckle out of that

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Cops are working stiffs, I’d hardly call them part of any elite. You might as well throw in court reporters and enlisted military if you do. High ranking government officers and employees aren’t quite working stiffs, but baring a handful of eccentric billionaires (exs: D.Trump, M.Bloomberg), they are a whole lot closer to being working stiffs than being a part of the ultra wealthy.

The ultra wealthy, of course, could be called an elite. But why bother with that vague term when you can just say “the ultra wealthy”. Like this…

The ultra wealthy’s conquer and divide strategy purporting identity politics (with the left obliging) will be the ultimate ruination of democracy

Is the above what you actually mean?