ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

You gotta vote for Biden in the election or else Trump will rig all the elections.

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I mean that might be the best post you’ve ever made on this site, but I’m still not sure if you’re trolling.


It’s trolling because the people that think he will rig the other elections and not this one are lying to themselves because they can’t handle the truth


This election will be more rigged in red states than 2016 and 2018, 2022 and 2024 will be more rigged than this one if there’s not federal legislation to address it, etc.

A Trump win means it’ll be insurmountable, with expanded federal efforts. They’re bumbling around a bit, moving too early with the USPS and telegraphing their plays. Four more years to refine it = the end. Maybe the end already came, but it’s unclear so we should go after this one 100% and assume we have a chance until proven otherwise.

If you’re right, we’re already fucked anyway and we’ll all live out decades under Trumpian rule until there’s a violent revolution.

Yeah it’s a weird spot because I don’t want to hate on people for trying to remain positive cuz I’m generally a negative person but also I think we might be fucked no matter what so I don’t really know


We might be. But if you don’t know, obviously you should vote Biden.

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Russia hasn’t had a revolution under Putin yet.


Whenever I read posts about how important this election is I can’t help imagining a shell shocked soldier in a war movie trying to figure out how to reattach his own arm.


Maybe he can refuse to prosecute anyone who retaliates against the people who killed Michael Reinoehl.

Right and he’s still in control. It can take many decades to get bad enough for people to revolt.


Check out the article I just posted in the trump thread. It’s about how these authoritarian regimes are very stable.

I’m aware the prosecutor has stopped prosecuting non-violent misdemeanors but both of his run ins with cops were before that took place. His second run in with the cops where he resisted arrest and they found a loaded gun he didn’t have a license to carry for (he got cited and released for this) was in the beginning of July and his court case was in July which was before the prosecutor announced they wouldn’t go after non violent misdemeanor cases (I think it was announced sometime in august). This case was dropped after his first case that involved his kids.

Sure the prosecutor might’ve started that policy before they announced it but it’s still weird they would drop the 2nd charges when he already had cases for a DUI, gun charges and all that from the racing incident.

I was being sarcastic about them going after the pipe bomb guy, they obviously won’t

The podcast On the Media really sets the gold standard for how this kind of bullshit should be reported.


Seriously. How is this not the overriding message coming from the left? You know it would be from the right if some Patriot Prayer guy had tried to tackle the Portland shooter. Left is bad at this shit.


Yeah man, if you see someone running around the neighborhood naked or just being weird, don’t call the cops, they have no fucking clue how to deal with people who aren’t neurotypical. In my parents’ neighborhood there was a guy with Downs syndrome who threw a fit in the middle of a movie and the cops fucking chocked him out to death. There was this case in Florida of this autistic guy who tuned out in the middle of the street and the cops fucking shot his caretaker. The autistic guy is playing with his toy trucks in the street while his caretaker is very calmly explaining the situation to the cops his his hands up and they fucking shoot the caretaker. HIS CARETAKER.

Just say nothing. Do not call the cops if you see people acting weirdly unless you are in real danger.


Because we know that of the people familiar with this story, 45% think Rittenhouse is the hero, 25% think he’s the villain, and 30% isn’t sure.

Among the 70% who aren’t aware this happened, 70% of them probably think Kenosha is in Canada if they had to guess. A majority of this group would think Rittenhouse is the hero.

This is due to a combination of inherent racism and right wing messaging over the last decade. Protester = bad, Antifa = awful, white guy with gun = good, self defense with gun = orgasmic.

This is the fucked up conclusion of completely yielding the Overton Window on these issues. The left spends more time defensively chastising protesters than calling them the heroes they are.


Wonder if they would have to work so hard to determine if it was a crime if someone was driving their car through abortion protesters who block clinic parking lot entryways.

It’s liberals who chastise protestors, not The Left.