ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Showing up with an AR to a potential confrontation was a major escalation. I guarantee you rewind back from shots being fired far enough and the entire situation is his fault.

I’m a little dusty but didn’t a lot of evidence point to Zimmerman starting the altercation with Martin?

Sorta depends on what exactly we mean by “start the altercation.”

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Kids nd of surprised they brought back not guilty in a few hours

So what is the line on deaths in the aftermath of the verdict?

pop rox

People waiting for the Arbery verdict before they riot.

Rottenhouse can add to his body count in both locations. First his own acquittal, then he can travel his Mom can drive him down south for that verdict.

Riot girl is at your side

Would seem much more appropriate considering the circumstances.

Hot take: I don’t think he’s walking on everything here. He killed two different people and wounded a third. Jury is going to have a really tough time acquitting on those facts regardless of how hard dipshit judge tries to weight the scales. I think it’s going to be hung or a lesser included charge. He’s somehow less sympathetic then George Zimmerman and killed more people.

If he gets convicted it will be because he took the stand. The difference between Kavanaugh tears and Kyle tears is that juries are not soulless and can potentially see through insincerity.

I agree. To continue the Zimmerman comparison… Zimmerman’s attorney was smart enough to prevent him from testifying.

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I only saw photos, but can anyone who watched the video confirm that the crying looked fake as fuck.

Nah man, Fox News had a body language “expert” on to assure us it was 100% genuine.

I’m more or less in the camp that as the law is written and based on the evidence that was allowed to be presented, he is probably gonna walk, and I’d have a hard time saying that is the incorrect decision.

Convicting him is basically jury nullification in the other direction. And while chads and catface make some good points, I don’t think I’d lose any sleep if that happened.

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Well, that’s pretty damning. They’re only doing that if it looks fake AF.

Question for the lawbros:

Rittenhouse made some statements about how he wanted do exactly what he did prior to the day of the shooting. Judge ruled that prosecution can’t bring it up.

Since he took the stand, is there any line of questioning they could use to backdoor it in somehow. Like if they somehow got him to claim he never made any such statements. Then they go after him for perjury. Or maybe some other strategy.

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Yah I was thinking along those lines and imagining what a top 1% prosecutor could have done to punish those dummies for putting him on the stand.

I didn’t get the sense that the prosecutor in this case was elite-level, but what do I know as a non-lawbro.