ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

The NYT says US Marshall’s did it, that says the County Sheriff.

The sequence of events described in that article leave an awful lot of questions.

they saw the suspect come out of an apartment and they said he appeared to be armed

The man made it inside a vehicle at the apartment complex when shots were fired.

The suspect fled from the car on foot. Officers said he produced a firearm and the officers fired


  1. Reinoehl exits an apartment, appearing to be armed
  2. The police start shooting at him
  3. He tries to hide in a vehicle
  4. [not clear}
  5. He runs away from the vehicle and only then clearly displays a weapon
  6. Police shoot the shit out of him


Looks pretty suspect

Yeah, that’s even worse than the Olympian version. Guy’s heading out for bread and milk and the surveillance team just lights him up?

So if a Patriot Prayer dude gets killed the police will execute the person who did it? Not really surprising.


Grain of salt. I can’t really vouch for that dude, but cops killing leftists isn’t unheard of in America.

Dude may well suck, but the police didn’t shoot first and ask questions later when they arrested the 17 year old in Kenosha.


It’s time to fight back, that’s what Mikey said
40 shots in the dark, now Mikey’s dead


I was talking about the info from twitter

Yeah there was about a 10% chance of this dude being taken alive. They were going to find a reason, and if not they were going to make one up.

Executions by police are pretty standard things when nations identify people as terrorists.

I wasn’t going to post anything about this for, reasons, and because some is speculation, but I know people in Portland who knew who he was from events and he is sometimes an uncomfortable presence. The stuff I know is minimal.

There is a certain type of person looking to join contrarian groups as an outlet for some impulses that are criminal or violent. These people are a presence in anarchist groups but they also join fascist groups even if it doesn’t make sense.

I’m pretty sure this guy had mental health issues. I also read the nice words one activist said about him in the NYT, shrug, who knows.

Here’s how a normal, mentally healthy person reacts to the news that the cops just en masse executed some dude:

We have the best people.

Yeah he obviously wasn’t working with a full deck. Should have turned himself in immediately after as he clearly had a good chance at self defense.

Sounds like they executed him though for killing one of their own.

They should send that task force after Breonna Taylor’s killer.


Hey maybe the cops will now find the ex military contractor who was identified and caught on video throwing pipe bombs at protestors.

Also some suspicious stuff with this Reinhol guy. Few things get into tin foil territory though. He did say in an interview he was ex military but of course military says no, all his political posts start like 2 months ago and that identifying tattoo is brand new. Also some of his “political posts” online are weird like posting screen shots of text messages and stuff.

Also this was posted but can’t get verification


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Like it’s a little weird that 2 months ago he is caught racing his 17 year old son going 111mph with weed, pills and a gun in his car plus his 11 year old daughter. Somehow he was let out after being caught doing that and then a month ago he was caught in a protest with a loaded gun, then interfered with a police investigation and was resisting arrest, of course they cited him and released him and then all charges were dropped with “no complaint”

Protestors are being charged with felonies for spray painting and damaging property but this guy is somehow really lucky with 2 more serious arrests