ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

No cops and that guy is still alive

That guy was riding around with two friends brandishing weapons and live streaming it. So no cops and they’re still doing that and who knows what else. Open carry of handguns is illegal in DC.

He committed a crime, live streamed it on social media, someone called it in, they then went to arrest him and he took a gun and raised his arm with it at which point he was shot one time. Once he released the weapon and the officer knew he was unarmed, no additional force was used.

If you think 0 cops whatsoever should exist and this kind of behavior should be allowed, you’re letting your hatred of cops cloud your judgment. I’m good with firing 'em all and starting from scratch with a much smaller and better trained force that is held to a much higher standard and having social workers and such respond to most incidents… But if you’re using this one to make anti-cop points, that’s a massive fail.

Because one out of every 333 people in the United States is a cop, 332 out of 333 take no responsibility for their own or anyone else’s safety. That makes it easier to run around waving guns wildly.

So in a world without cops what would you suggest people do when they see three dudes driving around brandishing guns?

This has not been implemented yet, but the plan in Rojava was for everyone to take a 6-week police training course and then to abolish the police. I would have someone use necessary force against these people, but I would not have it be a professional cop.

But, in a world where more people were responsible for public safety such a thing would be less likely to happen and indeed, I think it is partly why it happens less often in rural areas. People in urban areas have surrendered more of their responsibilities to the state. ( I think the same thing makes it easy for people to walk by someone who is eating out of a garbage can and pretend like they didn’t see anything.)

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Let them drive around brandishing guns they certainly let white people

  1. Do you think there is a snowball’s chance in hell of this happening in America?

  2. Which Americans do you think are most likely to sign up?

  3. Do you think they’ll do a better or worse job than cops?

My answers:

  1. No

  2. Deplorables

  3. As bad if not worse

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That’s a bold strategy, Cotton.

  1. Of course not.

  2. Not especially deplorables. They are bootlicking cowards. But, the point is it’s essentially everyone.

  3. Better.

Things in that direction are good and possible though. Build a better world from within this world.

My answer to 3 is dependent on my answer to 2.

But the police are already deplorable. That’s the status quo.

(I actually don’t mean exactly this…but they are mostly a subset of what you’re talking about.)

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New York

Looks like it was a cop. Has those bars on the front for ramming things. Not many people with a Ford Taurus have those.

Also a floodlight on the driver’s side.

Doesn’t look like a NY plate.

Not all NY plates are the same.


Pretty common these days. Just happened in DC too.

This is already in the Trump thread, but the dumbfuck made incriminating statements to the press today.

Oh, well, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all!

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30-40 shots according to eyewitness