ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

You’ll have to walk me through that.

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You guys can’t even be bothered to link to the posts you think address that question? I think I’ve read both threads and I have no idea what you’re talking about.

No? I already said:

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I’ll read it, but this font is PROBLEMATIC

Not sure if posted before but cops laughing and fist bumping while watching the footage of them assaulting the 73 year old woman with dementia.


If re-linking to things you think are relevant to my points is too much work, then I’m not sure how much you can criticize my lack of interest in learning. You don’t seem to have much of an interest in educating people about your position.

And this is a discussion forum, linking to a list of 98 articles, videos, and podcasts isn’t great. It’s like the super sized version of did you watch the four hour youtube lecture?

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You all are being unfair to Ked. He voted NO in NBZ’s poll ffs. It’s possible to think somebody is thoroughly incorrect without assigning them nefarious motives. It’s what I do all the time when somebody thinks and feels something different than me. They’re obviously incorrect and I just wait for them to discover the magic of how much better it is to be correct.


Perhaps you don’t have a lack of interest in learning about abolition. What is the best abolitionist book, article, or speech that you’ve consumed during your course of learning?

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This may be a helpful framing for those seeking to understand abolition.


goddamit was my grunch too fast and loose?

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police abolition or abolition abolition? I read Frederick Douglass’s autobiography in school, that was pretty good. I read a vox dot com article on police abolition that was quite a bit less informative.

Linking to a list of 98 different things isn’t a productive move to promote discussion on a forum. Neither is saying you didn’t read any of my other links, why would I bother linking to something now. Just tell me to go fuck myself, that’s a more honest way to say the same thing. Although greg oreo did actually link to that vox dot com article, but I don’t think I read it through that link.

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We really don’t want to think about how and why police were so successful catching criminals back in the day.


“Go grab a Black. If you can’t find a Black, grab a stabby Irishman or swarthy Italian.”


Going to put this here because it’s another repression tactic by the establishment

  • Its good to dunk on the NYT

/Thread :point_up_2:


The problem I have with this forum, and this is most likely my problem, not anyones elses, is that everybody acts like it’s a public forum (it is in theory) but it’s actually a private, intimate forum (in practice). That’s why I post here. If I wanted a public forum I’d post on twitter with all those screeching maniac and lunatics, and I get how and why posting tones and tactics differ in such a forum.

Nobody has to or should have to be turnt to 11 at all times.


No but srsly do you know how dumb people on twitter are? I don’t mean maga chuds or whatever, I mean people who you ideologically agree with on everything. Dumb as boxes of hammer heads. You people here have truly spoiled me.