ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I get that the either/or framework appeals to people who are…limited and there are a lot of it intellectually limited people in the world, so it makes sense as a propaganda meme if you’re not trying to change people’s views of how the world works.

I have not heard of Blyth and I generally shy away from reading entire books by economists. It’s called “the dismal science” for a reason. I’ll look into him at some point if I remember.


This kind of lecturing to the abolish movement typically draws stern reproval.

Do you have an example of this? Because last time I asked you where you got your info on abolitionists you said the backs of sugar packets.

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If I could cite to personal experience I would, but I’m sure that lends as much credence to my position as the interest you would take in it.

Suffice it to say, that in every media source I consume where the topic of abolition is addressed (think the online “monetizing”, forgive my chuckle, left) views so-called half measures with a jaundiced eye, at best, and reads no less than virulent racism into the motives of those that think the State has any legitimate interest in public safety.

If you genuinely want an example, and I take from the implication in your interrogation that you harbor some doubts as to the legitimacy of my claim, I would point you to


there’s obviously more strident voices in the bowels of the internet: these voices probably carry more currency, certainly more followers.

And “sugar packets” was an allusion to how I perceived you perceived my understanding. Tongue in cheek, so to say.

Kia and surprising Jeep as that is some cannibalism.

I asked for an example because sometimes that’s the best way to better understand what another person’s claim actually is.

Mariane Kaba makes good points in the NYT opion piece considering the space limitations. She advocates strongly for her position–abolition. If that’s what you mean by “stern reproval”, OK.

No, what I meant was that when the polemicists are challenged they bristle at the notion that there is a legitimate debate. You disagree?

I doubt that slavery abolitionists felt that there was a legitimate debate, even though they still had to debate the topic with people. Police and/or prison abolitionists may feel the same way. Sometimes, I suppose you could describe their reaction as bristling.


It’s amusing how the anti-police movement adopted its particularly nomenclature to remind everyone of its unquestionable morality and castigate anyone (especially, perhaps, people of color) who might wonder if the movement was an unmitigated, unassailable good.

I hope people gave JT’s posts itt some serious thought because I had a similar reaction when thinking about the incident in Columbus. I think a few years ago I would’ve seen the video and thought “ok well this was almost certainly justified” because you had an armed person attacking an unarmed one. But as we continue to see the police fail to uphold their duty and terrorize people of color, including youth, I found myself thinking more about situations like this, and how maybe we are repeatedly failing to grasp the bigger picture.

It’s possible we got the “right” outcome - an aggressor being shot before killing a “victim” - but like how do we make that call from what we’ve seen and what we know? I’ve heard that Ma’Khia - girl with the knife -was defending herself from being jumped and was the one who called the police in the first place. Should that change how we feel about the situation? People seemed to brush off JT’s comments about stand your ground laws but we’ve seen a number of people cleared in basically this exact situation I.e. using deadly force with a weapon to protect your home (usually it’s a white person with a gun). While I tend not to agree with the letter of these laws (which basically allow murder in certain circumstances), I think we’d mostly agree that people have a right to self-defense and it’s not the police’s role to deny that. Should a police officer even show up at a teenage brawl with his firearm out? Again I don’t know the answer to all these questions but I do hope people think about it a little more than just “the officer was justified because he prevented someone from being stabbed.” Based on how policing is treated in this country, it was an unsurprising outcome and I doubt he’ll be charged but I do think it’s problematic how quickly we accept this kind of action from police officers as perfectly acceptable.


I’d forgotten about the Parenti vs Hitchens.

You’d probably appreciate Galloway. Nobody is perfect, and especially a politician, but he can definitely spit some fire when he squares off on Sky News reporters or when he testified before a US Senate subcommittee led by senator Norm Coleman from MN.

The guy irritates me because he knows what he’s doing when he spouts off the propaganda that he’s so often keen to do & has tried (Which is my main reasons for hating on him) to disparage our independence movements.

Everytime I go and give him another chance he disappointin to say the least, so for someone like myself whom is uninformed on a lot of world wide politics/political issues I have to be wary of his types.

All in all he’s an asshole to us Scots.


I appreciate your insight. I’m not familiar with his positions regarding Scotland. Thanks.

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I guess it’s time for pink phones -_-

