Showing your biases again, wookie, and making a pigs ear of it.
d2 is Russian.
Showing your biases again, wookie, and making a pigs ear of it.
d2 is Russian.
Wrong again goofy boy. D2 self described to me as Russian. I respect his right to do that.
This is exactly the level of debate they should have more of on the floor of the US Senate.
d2 and I played many games of chess recently and chatted a lot.
One of the dwindling number of good things here is that people can and often do have multiple identities while being a UK citizen. They aren’t expected to relinquish their familial cultural history on a change of citizenship. Surely it can’t be any different in the US? I don’t expect you to understand this but I did expect you to pretend to.
Lol you’re being ridiculous again. If someone says to me “actually I’m Russian” I’m not going to contradict them even if the correct term would probably be British Russian.
Anyway I see you’re not interested in good faith arguments but only slander. Hope tomorrow’s a better day for you.
Even if we give him the benefit of the doubt, calling Wookie a Stalinist pig seems worthy of a ban. Add in his recent history of shit posting and while two weeks may be long, I don’t think it’s totally unwarranted.
I don’t really feel like temp-banning five people, and I think it’s fair to have a higher threshold in ATF. But I don’t think people get to be unrepentant dicks either. So here’s a friendly warning:
Please feel free to criticize modding. Don’t be a deliberate asshole about it.
Please feel free to defend modding. Don’t be a deliberate asshole about it.
Please don’t be so over-eager to imply that people are racist unless you have pretty obvious receipts.
If you’ve made a personal attack in the last 12 hours of this thread then I’ll happily temp-ban you for the next one.
This post is tongue in cheek right? Feeling pretty dense this morning so hoping it’s a joke because it’s a good one.
Yes, it’s a joke.
Are mods exempt? Wookie seems to be the only troll among us without any hidden posts, again and again.
Giving him two weeks is the protocol. Somehow you didn’t find it all that bad when jman was fully permanently banned immediately rather than following this protocol. I wonder why!
Your other posts about this being the purest form of politics? Joke or no? Trying to calibrate my meter.
Maybe because jman requested a permanent ban and d2 didn’t?
His post was clearly a taunt because he was making a point that he was deliberately posting in a sub-forum that you had permanently excluded him from at the threat of a ban. (Not sure if the threat was escalating bans or a permanent ban.) So perhaps we should be talking about that decision? What authority do mods have to permanently ban somebody from posting in the sub-forum where users question and talk about mods and the site? Have any other users been given such a ban? Do you have an RFC on the record? The only precedent for this kind of mod action is on that shitty site where you learned how to mod like a dictator.
He should be unbanned and the restriction should be lifted.
Kind of a joke, but also true. The bickering we see going on is a form of politics. At its heart, politics is about resolving differences in a group. I think we are mostly all well-meaning here, but have different and conflicting views of what is in the best interests of this forum.
I see a lot of parallels to the “real” world, so I find the ongoing feuding to be fascinating, if sometimes annoying.
Arguing that someone shouldn’t be banned with a defense of they were deliberately being an asshole is one way to go about it I suppose.
Yes, behaving just like that! Weird strategy. Let’s see how it works out for you.
I guess I could just delete my post and go on my merry way unmoderated like jman did dozens of times, but nah, not going to play like that Ikes.
I tried exiling d2_e4 from AU as an alternative to permanently banning him under the authority of the bad faith rule. He’s an admitted troll of AU, and he posts on Unstuck almost exclusively to stir shit. Since the exile from AU, he’s contributed practically nothing except for finding a home in FBBV to continue to stir shit. If his request for a permaban was not made in good faith, as you allege, then I’m not sure why a guy should get a free pass to troll AU and dole out personal attacks.
Was this a reference to someone’s historic support of Zimmerman (George, not Robert)?
Knock it off.