About Moderation (old original thread)

They must have agreed with him, because micro gave him the ban.

Look guys I have no interest in continuing this fight. This will be my last response that is not about actual procedures to enact mod rotation. I have no interest in beefs.

  1. I stand by my earlier assessment that the mod bias thing is, at least, massively overblown. I read it all. That is my opinion. You are free to disagree but I won’t be debating outside creating actual solutions.

  2. believe me or not but I didn’t intend the anti-vax comments to be a general insult, but an epistemological one. That being said, it’s clear I insulted many people I had no intention of even commenting on. I apologize for that.

  3. going forward I consider anyone commenting on mod behaviour and not actively helping create new mod rules to be only interested in chaos.

Those are my opinions. Feel free to disagree but I won’t be responding unless it’s about real action to enact new mod rules.

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I mean, why are epistemological insults OK while general insults are not? Fuckin bullshit man, discriminates against those of us who don’t know wtf epistemological insults are and thus can’t take advantage of this sweet loophole.


Well, we have one new mod that should be sworn in soon. Btw, when are we gonna do that?


Still need to hammer out the process for holding a binding election. Seems like we were making progress toward that and it stalled yesterday.

There were some excellent write ups on that. I think everyone is just fatigued. I certainly am, and probably am taking the weekend off. Y’all are exhausting LOL

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Accusations of bad faith are a personal attack that should be punished by mods
  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • No opinion/unsure
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree

0 voters

At the end of the gatekeeper thread, IIRC.

You said you wanted new rules. Is this a rule you want to see?

The 200th random poll in the 7th thread doesn’t help.

We need a small group to coordinate the initial poll. Have it in one thread and do the actual work of solving all this.

Anything else is just fighting for fun.

I plan to put that wording up for a “go-forward” vote within that thread on Sunday, which should give people enough time to think about it or revise it.

If it passes that vote, then I suggest we open a new thread to put it to a forum-wide biding vote.



How do you think the community should distinguish between a biased moderator and a biased poster complaining about moderation?

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I think they should follow what Jbro did: read all the relevant posts and come to their own conclusions.

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If we can keep things calm for a week or so, I think we might get the mods and the forum to be able to agree on a process where everything would be on the table, including replacing any or all of the current moderators. Would you buy into a process like that?

I think you’re looking for an explanation of why you were banned yesterday and @clovis8 wasn’t banned until he asked to be, right?

I’m not a mod, so I don’t have an answer. I think @microbet and @MrWookie were involved in that decision.

This weird expectation for volunteer mods to make perfect GTO decisions that perfectly align with every poster’s view of how things should be run absolutely befuddles me.


As someone who never takes short breaks I feel I am being insulted here.



If I could find the posts, I would give it a go.

I don’t think it was your intent, but I feel like that is not an accurate representation of other posters’ views or expectations. Nobody is expecting GTO perfection from humans.

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