About Moderation (old original thread)

There is nothing about this forum you like more than complaining about it, its mods, and the people who post here.


Thus it was said, let he who was othered become the otherer; he who has negged, the negger. In the end, the shit poster becomes the shit eater; the ban luster, the ban eater. Praise be. Amen.


Twas ever thus




That other forum was frequently mentioned by others here before most of us ever talked about it over here. I don’t think I ever brought it up first, but goofy will check his database and find the handful of exceptions that I might have, I’m sure.

That darned goofy letting facts get in the way of a good story. It’s impossible for us to have talked about it before y’all did DUCY?


I’m not denying that it was mentioned here and there by a person or two, but it didn’t get talked about extensively until others kept (and continue to) bring it up – frequently goofy actually! Also, it likely leaked as well because there were people who were invited that declined. Or other people that accepted but don’t really participate. It was never meant to be a big secret, but as for “throwing it in people’s faces” – I can only speak for myself and I do not believe I ever brought it up for that purpose. Once in an argument where that became a subject, sure. I also think somebody asked for an invite so I went and nominated them and they got rejected, which I reported back to the forum as well. And recently when attacked by a mod for “Sea Lioning” because he lacked the context of my posts, I busted his balls about it, sure did.

Unfortunately reality has a well-known horsemen bias.

Great now there’s a database involved

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You’re just jealous that your own attempt at another forum failed.

wait what?

if you’re referring to the site I built, that was an experiment to show people how easy it was to build one of these, I automated the whole thing and anyone could just pick it up and make their own in less than an hour if they want. I did that to show that no one is stuck here or has to be here if they don’t want to, and I also wanted to experiment with the admin permissions to see if I could make something better and more secure than what existed when I was doing it. certainly no one here wanted to join any site I built, lol.

also fun fact my aws build is like half the price of what this one runs on, if anyone cared

No, my reply wasn’t to you.

well now I am very curious, what site?

Well it failed, so there is no site as far as I know.

wow, feelings hurt, I wasn’t invited to either spin off site!

Although I think in an ideal version of unstuck we should have a few segregated communities like this and one general area where everyone mixes, but for better or worse that seems to have already happened

People’s endless desire to have this same fight is fascinating. I don’t think I care about anything in my life as much as you all care about this fight. I am not sure I would go this hard to protect my family!


It’s just a hobby. Some people love spending hours scrapbooking, some people love to argue with randos on the internet.


this sites an elaborate ploy to pump our NFT collection

When I think Clovis I definitely think of somebody completely unwilling to argue endlessly with the same person about the same thing. :rofl: