About Moderation (old original thread)

oh my bad sorry

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Literally nobody believes that Lucille Ion is a brand new user who just happened across our little slice of nirvana and started shitposting in ATF. Come on, how you can make these arguments with a straight face is beyond me. If Lucille was like ā€œActually, Iā€™m Marty/Fidget/Keeed/ā€œ or whoever the fuck he actually is, there would be no issue here and Iā€™m confident he wouldntā€™ ahve been banned.

Are those accounts being regularly associated in a correct way?

is this really that surprising? one person comes over here from wherever it is they congregate, all riled up, and all of a sudden we have half a dozen new and ā€œreturningā€ people come out of nowhere to join in and annoy. if you think itā€™s weird to point out that it seems coordinated or from people outside the group of 50-100 people that almost always post pretty amicably with one another, often and including the two ā€œsides,ā€ then uh, I donā€™t know what to tell you.

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False flag operation?

Maybe itā€™s Goofyballer, sockpuppeting both me and Lucille


UPā€™s second biggest traffic source behind google.com.


Just to be real for a second, your choice to cycle through various pedophile avatars is pretty fucked up even for you.


Heā€™s owning it like we owned The Captains LMFAO. Jman is very smart.

I mean Iā€™m not entirely in disagreement i just think the thing weā€™re discussing is the ban of a really homophobic series of posts? it was nuked so fast I didnt see who it was or what it was responding to be clearly a very aggrieved former user, in my mind, that probably would be better off doing better things with their time

i think itā€™s fairly good natured, i mean you literally called him a diddler - afaik the captains named themselves.

I was just going along with Goofy and then having some Friday night fun.

i think everyone laughed at it and mostly moved on til now

Iā€™m still laughing.

Was looking this up and found this:


ZZ doing a lot of work there! (#19)

Just limit access to About Unstuck to TL1 or higher.


Just woke up and havenā€™t read all the posts here since last night (not sure Iā€™m going to).

I am deleting the post in the moderation log as while I still think that post was out of line (there are better ways to raise the issue); there is additional context which makes my comment that it ā€œone of the most reprehensible homophobic posts Iā€™ve seenā€ no longer accurate (but think adding a discussion of the context to my post just makes it a bigger issue). Also the ban is largely moot as it was a ā€œnewā€ user and all the relevant posts have been deleted.


why are you taking issue with really objectionable material being deleted but not users deleting their entire accounts? thatā€™s a really weird stance to take, from my humble view, and I donā€™t understand what the concern is, like, these accounts are clearly coming from somewhere and it seems like there could only be one somewhere? what does leaving them to do dispel this notion?

it seems like to me someone whoeever that may be twisted whatever happened in there and got a few people worked up over what looks like essentially a misunderstanding.

If I didnā€™t know that everyone involved was such a well intentioned good faith poster I might think that this informational asymmetry was being abused by one side or something.

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