About Moderation (old original thread)

It tells me you could have been honest about your plans with everyone from the start and people still would have voted for you.

I’m in a good plo game but when done I will post a poll to both remove meb and reinstate those banned. Unless someone has time to do it earlier.

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It’s OK, I understand. If I were from Alabama I’d hate the world too.

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Will it still be good after you leave?


You keep declaring victory in your posts. I think lying to the mods about your plans and outright saying that the admin who has contributed numerous hours to this community has been plotting all alone to destroy it because he decided your actions are ruining this community pretty much sums it up.

And just so everyone remember, this all started with a meb lying that he thinks mods shouldnt be allowed to issue long term bans. So as you can see, he was lying for quite a while planning this. Shame you set out to destroy this place for shits and giggles cause you guys have the discord.

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sorry this was an expert needle and gets a heart and is not meant as a slight to anyone at all it just made me chuckle


We just had a Churchill RFC a couple weeks ago. The community said no ban. @econophile please reverse.

@anon29622970, wtf, did you actually accuse me of this?

You received a PM from me a day ahead of time that I have posted in this thread explaining my thought process for going from 4 bans down to 2. I did not lie to you.

Nothing I have said in this thread has been in regards to goreo.

No absolutely not. I’m sorry that you have been brought into any of this.

Stop banning people for a little while and see what happens, is such a simple obvious solution that I have to imagine Nancy Pelosi took charge of the mod team or something


So how does that work? Keed leaving is proof that he was only here to destroy the community but greg is actually cool? something something charade.

Thanks, it was pretty great until you ruined it by not getting it.

Also i suggest everyone stop trolling the AM. Which includes you.

Please be patient. I believe Churchill has a pre-existing ban, and that the current issue will be resolved well before that expires.

Could either you or @Yuv (or any any other mod) reverse these bans? If so, why haven’t you?

I am calling for a complete and total shutdown of About Unstuck until we figure out what the hell is going on.


I’ve always thought we should ban everyone rather than unban everyone.


I think this forum would function better if everyone was banned.




@lovemuffin for mod. Will post poll later.