About Moderation (old original thread)

Why does shit always hit the fan at UP on Fridays?


This was a classic Friday news dump. A holiday Friday news dump at that.

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This one was a coincidental situation where a new mod rotation started on a Friday so we got a double dose of drama.

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Yes, that’s exactly right. Bans across the board for similar missteps would have been fine. No bans would have been fine. Instead you decided to further entrench the divides here by banning one team for the luls. You are intentionally harming this place because you think it’s funny.

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And, yikes

Can we post team rosters somewhere? I have a vague idea of a few people on each side but I feel like I can’t properly enjoy the drama without knowing all of the players.


200 (5)


This place is less fun without drama.


Half the fun is defining the teams yourself.


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I’m in vegas until tomorrow morning but i will unban both jal and church when i get back. You are free to ban/unmod me until then.



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I’m just pointing this out to make sure everyone can clearly see what happened here. There were a bunch of arguments about how the bans I issued were unfair that were all disingenuous. They have another forum where they post with these same posters. It doesn’t matter to them. It’s why you’ve seen others like Keed not care about instantly anonymizing his account. Their whole goal was to get an enemy banned as a way of seeking their revenge on members of this community. It’s the only reason many of them were still here, but we’ve been pretending that wasn’t the case. Now it’s been made clear for everyone, so we can stop the charade.

But if that’s what people prefer, please vote to remove me as a mod.

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Your entire mod campaign was a joke to make a point about how a lack of codified rules was going to be a problem. Don’t try to rewrite this as some kind of principled stand against people who post on other forums lol. Most of the people here post on 2p2 and/or discord.

People voted you in because they like you, not because they supported your joke campaign. We know this because those same people voted in other mods with exactly the opposite campaigns.

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I mean, I don’t post enough here to really care one way or the other, but I don’t think slick remarks like “you’re not pissed off about whom I banned, you are pissed off about whom I didn’t ban” are going to endear you much or help make your case to those who do care.

That’s lamer than whoever got $90 to go away. Wait was that Jal who just got (therefore needlessly) banned now?

Some other mods thought this too but meb clarified that it was a serious plan and Clovis even came to this thread to sound the alarm.

No that was Victor.

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