About Moderation (old original thread)

Fair, that seems possible. So I am a bit surprised this was the case brought here.

@Yuv the provenance of the jpg and refusal to source was part of MakeHasteā€™s original concern:

Somehow youā€™ve completely forgotten about this, decided the screenshot was irrelevant to the matter of Church posting dubious unsourced screenshots:

who cares what the source of the jpeg was? the only thing that matters is the study.

I will take you at your word that this was a good-faith slip-up, but I will demand an apology.

I meanā€¦ I thought it was obvious this was a joke? Sorry because apparently it wasnt

I donā€™t understand what you are saying, I truly apologize.

MakeHaste has already agreed that if the preprint was provided there is absolutely no issue here. Are you claiming otherwise?

(if this back and forth is becoming annoying to read we can move to a PM cause I truly do not understand your point to a degree where either Iā€™m crazy or youā€™re crazy so itā€™s better to solve the issue)

Nah I wasnā€™t mad at you, at all. I was just making fun of Victor for declaring that my team was complaining about my ban while you were saying it was fine

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It was published in the most prestigious scientific journal in the world!!!

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Happy for you to post the proof I posted the study when requested. I think it was a mod deletion but honestly wouldnā€™t bet on it. I remember getting angst and thinking 'fuck ā€˜emā€™ a few times times and deleting some prior posts. Not sure if this was one of those occasions.

A couple dozen times a benign unremarkable thing happened on an internet forum.

The horror.

Every time the terrible things that are alleged are analyzed and found to be not really that bad, it never changes the opinion of those holding the pitchforks, itā€™s the sentiment that matters more than any real facts of each event. Thatā€™s the whole fucking problem here.


So nothing changed from pre-print to publishing?

PS, youā€™ve somehow glossed over Church telling baldfaced lies about what the forum was saying about vaccine waning:

I understand itā€™s easy to overlook these things.

I assume you mean the light trolling was the benign thing on an internet forum and not the 12 hour timeouts?

Theyā€™re all benign and nothing to be creating so much repeated drama over.

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Except the bolded is actually a lie.

Itā€™s been freely and repeatedly admitted he sometimes ā€˜trollsā€™ā€¦ In the same sense you and many others repeatedly do here. Some* even just call that posting on a forum.

Some = Adults

I donā€™t know, Iā€™d have to compare. But it was three weeks from preprint publication to Science publication, so it must have been accepted with at most minor revisions.

Somebody correct if I am wrong but IIRC some astute posters here caught something in there that couldnā€™t be correct?!

So far, we have this, I think ā€¦happy for others to amend

It is easy to overlook these things. Itā€™s hard to take X years of conflict and understand it in a mere hour. But itā€™s harder when the goal posts shifts. There was a user here who decided to bring up a case, a specific one. I outlined all the facts I understand from that case. My conclusion so far is that the case not only doesnā€™t show Church has been very wrong (assuming he posted the preprint as he claims), but the response to him and apparently still your view of what important in this case is quite wrong in my opinion.

I never claimed i can fully quantify churchill as a user and I said repeatedly I believe thereā€™s a plausible chance he isnā€™t a ā€œqualityā€ poster. Seems strange to blame me for not replying to everything especially when discussing something that requires so much research as everyoneā€™s position on vaccine waning in real time.

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To paraphrase CN, why do you think thatā€™s a dunk? That sounds like an excellent discussion. Church brought up a paper that seems to be quite right in its conclusion that vaccines are waning. It had some flaws detected by the people here and apparently by the reviewers at Science. They were fixed. Paper was published.

Where is the part where this discussion is bad? Why is this in AM months later?

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The goalposts havenā€™t shifted. From the start MakeHaste was concerned about Church posting a screengrab and refusing to say where it came from. If your response is ā€œwho cares about the jpg?ā€, then thereā€™s not much to discuss. He thinks itā€™s an important thing, you donā€™t.

So, a typo?