About Moderation (old original thread)

already seems to be a backlog in the cite or ban process.


Again, this isnā€™t about sub 24 hour bans. Especially not those that are undone in minutes.

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Oh wow the bar is 24 hours now? Gmafb. Iā€™ve been banned for longer than that too. Micro its ok bud. Itā€™s ok to have a different idea about who should be banned and for what. Just donā€™t sit here and tell me that you and the captains arenā€™t for bans. Itā€™s utter and complete bullshit. You guys arenā€™t some idealists bound by some intellectual consistency, you guys just want certain people to not face consequences for their actions from the rest of the group. Youā€™re perfectly fine when others outside of your group face consequences

Why donā€™t you point to where Iā€™ve called for your ban then? I donā€™t believe, other than saying maybe people like the guy who complained to Mat and got pol shut down should not be allowed, Iā€™ve ever ever ever advocated for any bans here for anyone. I did ban people as a mod (none more than a day) because I did what I thought was my duty and what had been agreed upon. I think Iā€™ve been very scrupulous about these things. I know Iā€™ve tried to be. And I think the vast majority of people here believe that.

Iā€™ve never claimed to, nor felt obligated to go to war for everyone who gets banned every time or suggested anything other than I am selective about who I will do that for.

Even if thatā€™s what the community has voted on? Itā€™s like you want community governance but when the community vote goes against your friend itā€™s unacceptable to you.

Also ā€œstealing your propertyā€ seems like a ridiculously loaded way to describe getting banned from an Internet forum.

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not an official claim just yet as iā€™m still investigating, but i think literally no one believes you.


It being my friend is not irrelevant, but I think 60/40 to perma - or anything short of at least near consensus is terrible and

it makes a mockery of the idea that the members are owners of the site. If Sabo was an owner of the site, I think itā€™s fair to call his perma theft and the other voted attempted-theft.

Can people seek compensation for pre-theft of property? Asking for a friend. :stuck_out_tongue:

CN is definitely engaging i some sophistry here, I will be so bold as to say that.

of course

You know what, I have to apologize. You didnā€™t call for my ban. You just said that I made this place intolerable and left for months over it. I honestly misremembered that. Following that up, Iā€™ll believe your no ban policy when you ever argue against a ban that I or jman take. You still donā€™t believe in no bans.

The rest of the crew has argued for and is quite happy when I get banned, or at a minimum, they are quiet about it. And you know what? Thatā€™s fine!

Iā€™m sorry, did Donald Trump try to steal the election?

Ok. Thanks.

Saying Iā€™m against bans and never asking for them isnā€™t enough? I am against you getting bans and Iā€™ll include another reason here that Iā€™ve brought up beforeā€¦

In the ban and complain about mod wars, getting a ban is often a victory. Jman and goofy understand this and I think you do too. If you get banned and you take it like a champ you have earned credit. You are able in this discussion right now to use your getting banned as a tool. Reminds me how, as a mod, it was soooooooooo much easier for me to ban jalfrezi than cuse. Jman ended up easy to ban as well because he didnā€™t complain about it. In the same way, goofy, if he were still a mod, could really easily ban you.

But, anyway, rushing to your defense will be hard. I donā€™t want you banned because I donā€™t want bans. But, shrug, wonā€™t it seem ridiculously shallow and self-serving if I get mad about your future bans?

Was George Zimmerman justified?


I mean, it would be nice to know we can have a positive interaction with each other. Iā€™ve been frustrated with you a lot by what I see as obviously dishonest things over multiple topics. Thatā€™s not meant as an accusation, just my feeling on the matter. Iā€™ll try to be less abrasive in general, but especially with you. If thereā€™s anything specific youā€™d like me to do or change as a show of good faith let me know.

Ok. Did you notice that I stuck up for you on 2p2?

And OK. Iā€™ve said this before, that I think youā€™re almost not conscious of being a low-level ahole. I get thatā€™s the way a lot of people (mostly dudes) interact, and I have close friends who are like that. Everyone should be about to take some ballbusting or something like that. You should think about that imo and micro-aggressions and how a negative and harsh climate/culture is part of the foundation for the battles, like charged particles in the air building up to lighting strikes.

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I would think in most law firms it would take something like consensus to remove a partner.

ā€œtheftā€ is not understandable in isolation really. Itā€™s fuzzy. Members being allowed to post here at the pleasure of a modest super-majority doesnā€™t really seem like ownership to me. Yeah, I think a 60% vote to strip what I considered ownership is theft.

it is very hard to fire an equity partner and it involves fairly heavy compensation.

so even if this was a good analogy, sabo has been ripped off here. Just saying, it might be sophistry on your part.