About Moderation (old original thread)

We are modding USA sucks posts? USA does suck. Monumentally and in nearly every way. The tag line of this forum is basically that motto. I get victoar has history but I’ve posted some version of fuck America sucks like 10 times in the last few days!

I’m fine with USA sucks posting. My issue was with non-substantive USA sucks - particularly in the main Ukraine thread where it wasn’t really related to the discussion (which was that Russia has old shitty boats that seem to keep getting sunk).

USA sucks plenty, but it’s obnoxious to not be able to say anything bad about literally any other country in any thread without “Acktshewally, USA is worse” or “See, by criticizing someone else, you’re acktsually a USA apologist.” Like 4 of the top 10 threads right now are overwhelmingly about how the USA sucks. It’s irrelevant to the Ukraine thread unless you’re actually talking about the US’s actions in Ukraine.

Fair. I didn’t see the post.

Just want to make sure I don’t have to stop hating America :grin:


Yo, fuck Belgium.


Does “obnoxious” require moderation?

If Victor were smart, or witty, or had any other redeeming qualities, maybe the obnoxiousness could slide. Hell, I’m still here.

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Dealing with people deliberately making the site worse is the point of moderation.

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Yeah what is that weird banner?

They deserved it if you ask me.

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anyways, nice joke mods.

I don’t know what that means (or even how it was done).

I don’t see any users recently banned.

It’s a staff notice, one of the many underused moderation tools available. Obviously in this case it was a jopke.

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the inability of the crew to figure out an obvious joke because they’re generating outrage is a second level to the joke that I’m enjoying.

Lol - I’m an idiot - I thought it deleted a post and banned the user. Didn’t realize you could append notes to a post. Might have to start using that.

I am all for jokes. I had just never seen it before. Some might be sensitive to mods joking though.

What to the who now? I’ve mostly been out getting drunk and playing 9 ball this weekend. What did I miss?

Anyway, 4 rails, back in the same corner pocket, kids. Stay in school.

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Enough is enough. Churchill is now trolling people who want to get their children vaccinated for covid but can’t because they’re under 5. This is the unofficial 1000th time he’s obnoxiously trolled that thread. We should bad him from that thread forever. This is absurd. We shouldn’t have to do this so often.

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