About Moderation (old original thread)

If you guys have some other utopia what are you still doing here? Like I don’t want anyone to leave or stop posting here but what is the point of continuing to throw this in the face of the rest of us? We get it, we aren’t good enough for the in-crowd. So enjoy your paradise and stop the whinging and bullshit here and let us be.


That’s not what they’ve told me.

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I think there’s some hope that once Wookie is forced to stop making this place toxic things will get better here.

Also lots of people post lots of places. No one owns (or owes) a post.


I’m just trying to say if there is already a better place then what is the point of pretending to try and “fix” this place? Either you actually want to be here and try and make it better or not.

Not trying to stir the shit tbh. I want you and everyone else to be one big happy family. I continue to be sad and frustrated at the state of things.

Accepting that this is a fair explanation of what the problem was, it would seem reasonable for the mod who silenced him to make this simple point in Moderator Actions, instead of the all powerful and encompassing “trolling.” And bonus points for linking the actual offending post/s.

And this post was worthy of mod action imo:


That post is the one in question.

I don’t think anyone is pretending. Wookie is the one who made the current discussion about Captains, once again, out of nowhere.

I think the new mods are doing a much better job and I hope things will cool off after the Sept. 1 rotation.


I will join with you in this hope


They might say that now…

lol, y’all are whining about a non-wookie mod decision so I won’t be keeping my light on.

Stop othering people. There is no “y’all”.


Stop othering people. There is no “y’all”. .

No othering people? Wow, when do I get my invitation to the top secret pm thread? It’s such an honor to finally be included!


Remember when I invited you and the rest of the forum to the PM thread and you closed my invite thread and forbid me from mentioning this in other threads?


When I get to see all the PMs you’ve sent to your pals here and invited to the group PMs. ;)


Churchill was silenced for a post that I accidentally deleted while silencing him so it’s hard to link to the post. The one you linked to was also flagged and what lead to the overall “trolling” ban so I’ll edit it into my post.


If it was top secret you wouldn’t be on course to die mad about its existence.


Thank you.

I think it would help transparency if it became standard to either link to or quote the offending posts that draw bans.


That’s been suggested a billion times here and none of the previous mods ever wanted to do it.

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