About Moderation (old original thread)

TheDuker for mod.


An unregistered “user” shouldn’t have any expectation of a vote. Come on.

And then after actually registering, “Ron” chooses to log out and go back to banging nails into his eyes instead of lurking while remaining logged in.

Sounds like much of this could be cleared up if jman and wookie shared their PMs about “Ron”.

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As TheDuker pointed out, we have no rules against this.

I’m operating only on public statements and IP addresses. You’re welcome to point out anyone who is lying.

So you’re just going to be a clown. Ok I guess.


I prefer flibbitigibbet or willimawhizz. But if you’re going to accuse me of clowning, you could at least point to our community standards on who has a vote when I say that new registrants have the franchise.

When are you done here? You create such a hostile environment in these threads.

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I am hostile to people literally making shit up to harass the mods, and that will continue when I am no longer one.

It’s going to be very difficult now to have a legit vote on whether “users” who register in the closing moments of a poll actually count, considering all the new voters I’m going to recruit. Or we could, you know, stop making a mockery of the site.

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I mean, we do have a rule about bad faith, so I don’t recommend signing up a bunch of gimmicks to skew the vote, even if I do think that a one-post lurker does have the right to cast a meaningful vote in good faith with the standards we have.

Sounds like there is no rule about a user registering and immediately voting, so long as they are a real person, and there is no duplicate vote. I said nothing about gimmicks.

Well, if you’re confident in your ability to recruit more friends than I can to vote, I wish you the best. Or, you know, we could resolve this with an RFC, just like TheDuker proposed.

Sure, we could waste a bunch of time on an RFC. Or perhaps just try using common sense regarding voter eligibility instead of making a mockery of the site.


Oh wow.

Imagine, on this site, stating that people overwhelmingly agree on what “common sense” is.


Anyone have objections to this?

This is also known as the Joe Manchin approach.

Should landlords exist? Isn’t the answer common sense?!?!?!!
Is calling someone a ■■■■ sexist? Isn’t the answer common sense ?!?!?!?!?!?!!!
Should mods check the IP addresses of new accounts? Duh, isn’t it obvious?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!




RonFromTucson for mod!