About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t see why.

You think every new account should automatically be IP checked?

When a mod notices someone posting for the first time I think it’s a good idea. If the posts seem innocuous I don’t mind if they skip it until that changes.

I think it would be reasonable for mods to IP check any account that makes a post that might have furthering drama as a goal. Should they snap-ban those accounts? Only if they are circumventing a ban? Should they out such users?

Just a continued lol at the pearl-clutching over a mod ip-checking someone who was obviously posting to circumvent a ban and stir up shit.

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I’ll admit that someone creating an alt to post on while banned is pretty rare so I don’t have any concrete examples but I’ll stand by my decision until proven wrong.

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It was not obviously someone circumventing a ban. It could easily have been someone trying to be funny. (I laughed.)

I don’t think users should be allowed to create second accounts for the sole purpose of attacking other posters. I’m fine with funny gimmicks, but if you want to take a shot at someone, do it on your main account, or else this place can devolve worse than it already has.


jman is the only poster I’m quoting here because his are recent and I don’t feel like scouring threads to call specific posters out but posts like these aren’t helpful and ride that fine line of “technically it’s not bickering about old bullshit, it’s bickering because of old bullshit” that makes them awkward to moderate. They’re also the kind that lead to this thread going off the rails of Moderation and into the land of bickering and throttles, so let’s try to avoid them in general. This isn’t me saying “NEVER respond to each other” or anything like that but keep the posts on topic and respectful.


Can we just not?


Please, no battling.

I didn’t see Rugby’s previous warning because they were so quick banishing the posts to the phantom zone but jman ignored the warning so jman gets a day off.

While we’re on new accounts, it looks like Jman’s “friend,” @ArizonaRonFromTucson never logged in before or after the vote for rotating mods. Seems like reasonable evidence that Jman voted 3 times in that poll (his main, his alt reading account, and with “Ron”).

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Sounds like you’ve cracked the case, gumshoe. Thanks for showing the people who can actually do IP checks what’s up.

I thought we decided that we’d exclude votes like that if they were the deciding votes and since they didn’t end up mattering, nothing happened.

If @ArizonaRonFromTucson pops into a random thread with a screenshot of a post from over a year ago as their first post ever I’ll permban him, too.

Ha ha so you actually believe that Ron was lurking the forum as an unregistered user regularly, registered to vote, and then logged out to continue lurking and following the forum in the most painful manner possible? All because apparently the IP didn’t match jman or another user? (I think that’s what you’re suggesting?)

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I saw a notification like this once when a new user was posting in a thread their old account had started. I don’t think just posting in the same thread is enough to trigger it, it has to be the OP and another poster posting from the same IP address.


Talking about quality investigative work.

Ah, here’s the setting.

It’s disabled by default, but we’d had it on, but I switched it off because it sends notifications even if it happens in a PM

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Yes, this was exactly what I recalled! Glad I’m not necessarily crazy.

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