About Moderation (old original thread)

I’ll have you know that my voice broke yesterday. I’m 13.

Groundhog’s Day is not a Groundhog’s Day movie


I moved marty’s post from the COVID thread to this one because it’s about moderation, not COVID and I don’t want to derail the thread by replying to it

I liked the post because I didn’t give a warning, I made a request that posters in general knock off petty posting like mocking posts because of who they were made by or continuing the ongoing US v. UK handling of COVID back and forth. jman’s post that StrontiumDog replied to didn’t fall into either category and I thought Stront’s post was good, so I liked it.

He was silenced because he was specifically warned to stop “shitting on USA’s testing and not finding a case” and then continued to do so, it had nothing to do with him bringing omicron info to the thread.

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Some posts have been deleted from the covid thread. It would be polite if an explanation was given.

Only if you define “bullshit” as “the truth.”

They were responses to a post you made then deleted making them off-topic.

It’s logged

He fucked around and found out.


Don’t call people assholes, this is common sense.

Things got kinda testy in the COVID thread today, but otherwise it’s been pleasant the past few days. Kudos to the posters and the mods.


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama



Well said, young man.

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must be Friday night.


this forum would be much better if you shut down the covid thread. just a glorified flu anyway.

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Who would have guessed that once Trump was ousted, everyone here would turn on one another? I’m not even a leftie, I came along here for the mutual hatred of Trump. It’s just like prison - a group/gang exists and is defined by their enemies. As soon as those enemies are gone, new ones are found; and those new ones are usually sub-groups of the original group.

For me, this forum is a fascinating study in sociology, if for no other reason than to demonstrate that highly intelligent and educated people are prone to the same cognitive biases and faults as I am. Or maybe even a couple more.


There seems to be a lot of coordinated flagging for something like this to happen.


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Deleted at tilted’s request.
