About Moderation (old original thread)

If someone wants their account banned (not deleted) and they have reasons for the rset of the forum not to know, I don’t see the big deal. But deleting an account is a different matter. I don’t think that should be allowed without a really good reason. In lieu of deletion if it’s a privacy issue you can always rename their account and then ban at their request. But straight up deleting posts? That shouldn’t be allowed except in the most extreme circumstances. That could destroy threads and allow a user to erase past misdeeds.

I believe @jmakin looked at the terms and conditions for new users and determined that if somebody wants their account deleted UP should do it. (This was probably when I was furloughed, so shoot me if I followed some threads for a while lol)

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from personal experience i can say that mass-deleting your own posts is not as easy as you might think. There are some lock mechanisms in place for reasons I’m not sure I know or remember.

Not sure if I agree or not, but just saying that deleting a large number of posts for whatever reason is extremely difficult to do on your own

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Thinking about it more I think we should default to doing this for users, after an appropriate cool-down period. However I think if the poster in question is abusive or a troll I would be loathe to do this as this could allow them to just return without the pertinent previous history available.

For reference, there was a lengthy discussion about this starting with this post:

My opinion would be to honor user requests, both for account renaming/anonymization and post deletion, if applicable.

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Unless you’re doxxing yourself, I would encourage the user to just walk away. It’s extra work for the mod. What is the benefit?

But really, just take a week off and then come back. We chillin’ in the sun. All’s good.

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Whoever is leaving, don’t be shy about PMing people. I’m sure you have friends here and there are other ways to chat.


Actually, I was wrong on this and what Jmakin said is that the terms allow the user to close their account, not delete.

Please unlock the Debate thread. It was fine and kind of fun. Not everything has to be serious business all the time.


Yeah, it’s a fun and games until someone loses an admin.

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the… server room?

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Jmakin leaving had nothing to do with that thread.

This thread continuing like it does is insanity.


I think it’s silly because I’d go do 1000 other things than bicker about this here.

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Ok? Go do them.

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LMAO. I do. That’s why I just do drive by posts itt. We came as a community and y’all spend hours a day arguing about meaningless shit. Later cassette.

That thread was just trolling, but it asked a decent question – at least at the beginning.

Look, this may be impossible but: perhaps this is a moment to ignore that thread and actually try and manifest its eponymous intent?

My posts in there stand. The rancourous shit that happens here is part and parcel with the existance of the community. It doesn’t have to be that way, but that’s the way it is right now.

I don’t want to give that thread more oxygen.

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I’m not trying to be a dick. If you read the thread I’m not sure how you could come to the conclusion that it is the reason he is stepping down. That would be a pretty wild and condescending thing to think, that jmakin is leaving because people said that people sometimes rage quit the site.


I think it’s an accurate conclusion. They are linked.

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