About Moderation (old original thread)

A lot of stuff can be automated, but the stuff that can’t is really hard. Exercising good editorial judgement about what is helping/hurting the content level of the site is an excellent example of a task that would be really hard to automate.

Humans are incredible at gaming automated systems in this area just for starters.

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Well I guess your memory of that period is possibly better than mine, I really don’t know.

Who is really in a position to judge this objectively? I’d say none of us one because no one has read every single post and is 100% free from bias.

My recollection is of a decent bedding in period before the divisive attempts to ban NBZ and you and to quarantine nunnehi started (there might have been others I can’t remember). But that chronology could be off, I don’t know.

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Whilst we’re whinging…you seem to have a habit of clogging the covid thread with personal finance, politics - basically anything bar covid. I mean at least my posts are relevant - Thanks for adding to the thread

I’m done any way, thanks

Please no. No more threads. It’s bad enough that this one and a few others keep getting bumped to the top.


Since we are talking rules and decorum starting a post with lol is very dismissive and never sets the stage for productive discussion. I do it too much but we should all do it far less.


We need more threads, not fewer.

You should sort by topic rather than most recent post. Click Categories at the top instead of Latest.

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Grunching but I feel like it’s time to really remind people that the concept of “posting good” was a joke proliferated on 2p2 going back to at least when [censored] modded OOT.

Seriously, even the phrasing never once had you people suspecting it was intentionally the most subjective question-beggingest concept ever?


BS is clearly using “field of study” to mean academic discipline, which I would consider the normal meaning of the term. Marxism is a topic that can be studied, but people don’t generally get degrees in Marxism.

Victor dude, you are for sure trolling. Look above when you quoted me saying BS hated people then quoted him where he clarified his position saying that he didn’t hate them but thought that they should be banned. You are exactly say shit to start arguments. This is exactly an action that should end in moderator action.

It’s a nice idea, but would be a little annoying for me.

I like how at the top of the page I can sometimes see COVID news, dog pictures, TV recommendations, sports and booze. I like seeing all of those at once rather than needing to click through five different colors. Occasionally there are active threads bumped to the top that I have little to no interest in, like golf or UK politics. I can just ignore those easily. These personal grievance/forum drama threads are like cancer.

I guess you mostly read on your phone? I don’t need to click through any menus on desktop. When sorting by categories, you just have five different lists sorted by topic and most recent post rather than one. Seems to still include the benefits you mention.

I’m not on team ban Churchill, but his issue isn’t that he posts BBC or anti-American stuff. It’s that he repeatedly does not understand what he’s reading and then gets super mad when people point out his misunderstandings, leading to petty potshots for months.

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I’m mod for another couple weeks. If alerted I’ll make an effort to moderate the potshots.

@churchill, you have been warned.

I think CN may have been referring to the past, Micro. Last 1/2 pot shot I took (in retaliation) against the covid traveller didn’t go so well, for me anyway

I guess some would think this is infighting but essentially no Anarchists would consider Anarcho-Capitalists to be anything other than anti-Anarchists.

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Awesome! Then we’re all good.

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FTR you have treated me more than fairly for which I thank you for x

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And I’ve done 75% of your bans ever, for the whole history of the site.

Ok, this is me whining about people complaining about me, but @boredsocial, why am I the problem here? Because I’ve been polite to churchill or something?


I think the concept of good and bad faith posting is weaponized to a degree that massively overestimates how common it really is on the internet. People use “bad faith posting” to mean “something I disagree with” way too often. I’d estimate that 75%+ of the time someone claims a post is bad faith, the poster made it in completely good faith and there is just a misunderstanding or disagreement.

The concept of bad faith posting is weaponized so much for rhetorical wins, I’m convinced all discussion would be massively improved if it was never used.