About Moderation (old original thread)

I don’t really consider myself one either. Was just claiming it more for effect.

A good portion of my life I felt in that role though as I never, as most people, did not identify within the framework of either side.

I was just more taking on the point that a handful of people are trying to use the label as a slur, most of whom have been referred to as a “progressive” in a derogatory manner for years.

Honestly I just appreciate the community managing to keep most of the nonsense out of my eyesight. I am pretty surprised every time I check into this thread as to what’s going on.

As the number 1 First Lady of all time once said, Be Better. That goes for all of us.

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Don’t follow, am I being slow?

Yes, maybe you should caveat all your statements about the vaccinated not transmitting with something like ‘it’s far too early for my ‘read’ to be anymore than a read, at this stage’.

Are your comments and advice ITT not misinformation by your own measure until we have peer reviewed studies from multiple sources, in multiple countries…inc the US

My speculation is clearly indicated as such. I’ve never said that the vaccinated cannot transmit the virus, only that it’d be extraordinarily unlikely, which is true. You’re so desperate for equivalence that you’re resorting to your imagination.

I said the same about super covid not already being in Europe, which turned out to be confirmed, after the uk showed them the evidence, less than 24hrs later - your statement still awaits the sceintific evidence - the UK already had the scientific evidence when I made my ‘claim’

I’m done, you win - it’s not my imagination at play (thx)

Let’s go to the tape.

I wasn’t even calling you out at the time. I was calling out the guy you quoted for not properly couching his speculation as such. You went on to invent the idea that he’d already done the sequencing and detected the variant all over.

In California we have signs posted in many of the hills and canyons and forests about fire danger levels. It’s a warning to be careful and that some activities which might be allowed at some levels might not be allowed during higher danger levels.

Anyway, lots of bad feelings about personal attacks. It’s hot and windy and there’s a high probability of me temp banning people for the next 24 hours. That includes not just obvious attacks, but oblique attacks. It’s tricky when mods are the subject of criticism to divine whether it’s just criticism or attack, but I’m going to do my best to find a line there as well. I’m sure I won’t be perfect.


Decent of you to warn people in advance.

20C on Sunday, I see. Count yourself lucky as long as the forests don’t burn.

Thank you. And I’m not going to do anything about posts from before I posted it. But, as an indication of how high the danger level is for the next 24 hours, I can almost sense an unwritten part of that post saying “unlike so and so” and the hairs on the back of my neck are raised.

:slight_smile: … but also :imp:

After thinking about it some more it was inappropriate of me to call the mods *****.

@moderators I apologize for being a **** myself the last couple of days.

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You missed a trick there bro. Now that we have the stars you can just claim you meant “lovely people”.

I think people are self censoring - there is no censorship setting on this forum as of right now

You’d think that, but no:


Thanks for drawing my attention to that post. I popped over and gave it a well-deserved “like”.

In the interest of respecting @microbet 's new temporary standard, I will merely point out that you, sir, do not appear to be posting in good faith.


see, not bleeped

I definitely did drop a “like” on ChrisV’s post, you can go see for yourself. No bad faith there, sir.

Yes, the issue was not that I disbelieved your post about dropping a like…

Edit: I will admit, I’m starting to believe that you legitimately don’t understand what bad faith means, and aren’t just trolling by pretending to not understand what it means.

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Well, in my definition “bad faith” has an element of disingenuousness or dishonesty. Nothing in the posts I have been repeatedly accused of making in bad faith contains either.

Now, if you meant just good old-fashioned trolling, then that’s a different matter.