About Moderation (old original thread)

Many of the posts are Pocketchads just sharing twitter feeds. I found them interesting and relevant to the thread. Look I respect concerns about sniping each other and certainly adversarial posting by posters towards each other may cause a distraction and reduce poster interaction with the site but I still don’t think that merits separate threads on an open forum. I like having a pushing Biden left thread for discussion of progressive policy under this government but I mean what will ultimately go in the Biden megathread if further excising of issues happen? Most of the debate (and potentially bickering and insults) will be around contentious actions by Biden, not super popular EOs.

No it’s hiding it away from the people that want to ignore the bad things Biden is doing.

I understand it’s worthy of a topic of it’s own. It’s also worth pointing out while everyone is celebrating.


This is just so obviously a flat-out lie I have to wonder what the point of it is.

I didn’t realize Biden was getting his evil on in the hours after the inauguration.


I’m in favor of mods being aggressive in splitting topics worthy of their own thread.

I moved 50ish posts, all of them dealing specifically with protests and police violence in Portland last night and some ensuing replies. In no way am I kicking all criticism of Biden to its own thread. It’s that the topic of protesting and police violence is almost certain to be an ongoing area of substantial discussion, much like the George Floyd thread.

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I’m just shocked that Biden couldn’t fix absolutely everything in one day. What a loser.


That is a consideration, but not a massive one. It’s really only an issue when you have a large topic and people are basically treating it like a chatroom. I have stuff in the works to maybe address this issue in the future. I would rather us not have these kinds of constraints at all.

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I want more monitoring :( I just have what DO gives me. I feel crippled. I need GRAPHS

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Fair enough if that’s your position. I don’t see any cause for alarm. This is an easily articulated position with easily explained boundaries that need not expand to anything else that could possibly qualify.

I appreciate that you may not share this position. If you are concerned, will you please help us be mindful if you see the forum going down this slippery slope? I certainly don’t want what you’re afraid of to happen. I just disagree over whether there is any cause to fear it will.

That is a wildly unfair characterization. Please don’t say things like that.


I assume this is all sarcasm … ? Or maybe I am just that cynical. And I’m not lying on my fainting couch over this, I just want the forum to be the best possible resource for all its readers and my viewpoint is that vigorous debate within megathreads, WITH moderation around insults etc is the best way to do this.

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Oh ok. I apologise then and appreciate the sentiments! @RiskyFlush


It was and ty Johnny.

No worries muk. I am used to being misunderstood :sob:

(that one was sarcasm :blush:)

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I really don’t understand where you’re coming from here. Most of us appreciate the perspective/information you bring to the table. At the same time, if someone is going to spam an active thread with dozens and dozens of posts and Twitter threads, that gets annoying. Moving the protest stuff to its own thread keeps the Biden thread readable and gives you a space to talk about the protests. What’s unreasonable about this? What am I missing?


I’m open to moving a few back if you think some are more about Biden than about protesting and police violence, but it’s probably just academic at this point. Feel free to flag them, and one of us can take a look.

These people did receive some (admittedly poor) coverage on the local Fox affiliate last night, fwiw

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From the news reports I’ve read this just seems like anarchists taking advantage of an opportunity to wreck stuff. Seems like it would have happened regardless of who was sworn in. Also seems a bit premature to expect anything to have changed with regards to riot policing in the <100 hours Biden’s been in office. Putting loads of posts about it in the Biden thread seems fairly off topic.

Aren’t there news reports after almost every protest claiming that it was an opportunistic anarchist wreckage fest rather than people protesting kids in cages, or whatever else it was really about?

Also, the subject of the US government operating concentration camps(or whatever euphemism will be used now that Trump is gone) seems entirely on topic in a thread about the head of the government that is operating the camps.


At the very least, I think it’s acceptable to be upset that of the fairly substantial number of things Biden elected to take efforts to change in his first 24 hrs, police violence – even when perpetrated by federal officers – was not on that list. It’s also worthy to note the disparate treatment between people who vandalize (and those in the vicinity with them) in the course of their protest to end ICE detention facilities and those who vandalize in service of overthrowing our whole democracy. It’s good posting, and posting I’m generally in agreement with. I just think that all parties are best served with that as its own ongoing megathread, because cops killing another unarmed Black man in the next year is basically a lock, and Biden is a big favorite to have a tepid response filled with cop apologia rather than holding not just individual cops but whole police departments and the whole system of policing accountable for their abuses.