A person can be smart, people are dumb: A Cactus containment thread

I understand the impulse though. Its not like I’m the first one to note the logical fallacy at play here.

Smart people challenge norms. Its a mistake to conclude that challenging norms make someone smart. But people make this mistake all the time.


Smart people challenge norms in their field of expertise the fields adjacent to their field of expertise. It actually takes a pretty large amount of skill and knowledge to challenge a norm with any real chance of success.

Every once in a while a dumb person tries some off the wall shit that makes no sense and it works but those occurrences are vastly outnumbered by ‘Florida man is in hospital after alligator bites off his left arm in underground underwater alligator wrestling tournament’.

Most of the stories about people successfully challenging norms are about strong experts in their field disagreeing with the orthodoxy for years, not getting funded or respected at all, and eventually being proven right.

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And people on Facebook that flunked high school chemistry. Don’t forget them.

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I said rarely are the dim bulbs, not never.

Conspiracy theorists aside, challenging norms is an important aspect of social progress, while blindly sticking with the masses can send society backwards. Some of the hills that masses of Democrats have chosen to die on is destroying the party. It got Trump elected once and may very well do it again

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You mean like taking the time to understand what actually happened with Rittenhouse, instead of spending almost an entire year thinking and repeating false narratives and outright lies about what happened right up thru the trial? Yeah, I suppose you’re right

Or perhaps you mean things like calling out Fauci for lying while the obedient masses shout you down?

You can spend your time however you want man. That you choose to devote a chunk of your life to…defending Kyle Rittenhouse is just not a good look.

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Not defending him. I see it as fighting false narratives (be it regarding Rittenhouse, Covid, what have you) and defending the truth. But you’re right. It’s probably a waste of my time

Oh boy.

If you like. The point is that divergence from consensus is not evidence in and of itself of intelligence. In fact, in the majority of cases it is turns out to be a byproduct of ignorance. But to go further, this is also not an assertion on my part that acceptance of consensus is always a sign of intelligence either. You’re spinning around on a lot of logical fallacies, ones that as I note above are not at all new. You can read all about 'em on Wikipedia. You shouldn’t feel bad about it, they have been studying these things since the times of the ancient Greeks specifically because the human brain is so prone to making logical mistakes. But it’s not a life sentence, you can train your brain out of these by getting good at identifying them.

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The only possible threat to gun ownership in America is the insane all-or-nothing politics of gun nuts. They’ve completely ruled out any sort of basic compromise on teens parading your streets with AR-15s and routine school massacres. The 80% or so Americans who want tighter gun laws are left looking at repealing the 2A as the only viable option to keeping dangerous assclowns like Rittenhouse off the streets.


So masks aren’t helpful?

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Please don’t do this here.

Dude, I understand logical fallacies and if anything, you’re the one making one here. Most intelligent people are skeptics of some sort. I’m NOT saying all skeptics are intelligent

Fine, you didn’t say all you said most

It’s still wrong, but whatever. This is pointless.

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Not rarely dude. Most of the people you’re talking about are fucking morons.


Says the guy who admitted he literally didn’t know the agreed upon facts of the situation?

How long do we have to put up with this dimwitted shit?

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Most people who spent at least a semester in college have a least had a chance to figure out their fetishes.

Mine was squanching in a bathroom stall between classes.
