A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

So monkeypox doesn’t normally spread fast like this but now it is? Does this mean that maybe someone in a lab made it more contagious? Deja vu of covid.


“Someone doesn’t have to weaponize the bird flu. The birds are already doing that.”

A less snarky response: imagine the entire planet is one big lab trying to incubate more contagious diseases.

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Well it seems very coincidental to have this coming right on the back of covid…

Diseases emerge all the time. You’re only paying attention because of covid


Uh oh, kids can get this one.


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Monkeypox has been around for a long time, right? So if this is significant, shouldn’t it have been a bigger problem before now?

That’s the key question. If this is the same virus that’s been around for 50 years, then it’s surely not a big deal. In that story, there was just a freakishly big superspreader event that kicked off a bunch of transmission chains that are slowly burning out. But if it’s a recently evolved variant, then it could be serious. What’s weird is that I’ve seen some people say the recently published monkeypox sequences are exactly the same as vanilla monkeypox, while other people say it’s significantly different. Hopefully some clarity emerges in the next few days?

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Israel, Switzerland and Austria are the latest countries to confirm cases of monkeypox, bringing the total number of nations reporting outbreaks to 15

Monkeypox is spreading during sexual activities with most cases having lesions on their genitals and the surrounding area


Unless it previously had an Rt below 1 and now it’s above 1 due to other changes in the world. Like either COVID weakening people’s immune systems or waning herd immunity from so few people in the western world having been vaxxed for smallpox now.

it’s not confirmed, why you’re quoting your same article again is beyond me

you should be extremely skeptical of anything blaming gay men, which the bbc does here. Long history of that not going well.


I’m 100% sure there’s only one person that can tell you whether I’d rather have covid than monkeypox.


Right. There’s about a 99% chance that any spread during sexual activities would spread just as easily between a man and a woman doing the same activity than between a woman and a woman or a man and a man. Monkeypox can spread from skin to skin contact, it doesn’t matter what genital goes where.

Maybe 99.9%, even.

Now there may be other risk factors in the gay community, like a higher percentage being on immunosuppressants, or in some subset of the gay community - like people going to a pride festival and being promiscuous would have the same risks as a straight person being promiscuous at Mardi Gras or a swinger’s festival or something.

But of course I have no faith in the media, let alone the public, to handle the nuance well.

o/u 48 hours before some Republican politician from bumblefuck says this is a judgement from God for homosexuality? Or Pat Robertson will beat them to it.

Thanks for reminding me that Pat Robertson isn’t dead yet.

The only caveat that I’d add here is that the frequency of same activity may not be the same and that might lead to an observed disparity. For example, if a particular disease was more easily spread by anal sex than vaginal sex, then it would seem like you would probably see more male to male transmission.

I don’t intend above to apply to monkeypox. It’s just something to keep in mind in general. I’ve read nearly nothing about monkeypox and don’t yet have well-formed opinions about how it is spread.

Agree with the general idea of being skeptical of blaming men who have sex with men. The majority of people who do this are full of shit.

The article in question wasn’t blaming men for anything, it is a common CN and Cuse tactic to twist anything Churchill posts.

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That may be. I didn’t read it either. Sorry if I implied otherwise.


Hi pot.