2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

This is my first time seeing Jasmine Crockett. She’s good!


You could tell me both pics are from 2024 and I’d believe you.


It’s the all baby-blood diet, keeps the skin young.


I told you guys that Sinn Fein guy can work a crowd. They need to keep inviting him to stuff.

I think they’re at least 30 minutes behind, maybe more. I don’t think they wanted the Biden speech happening well past 11 ET. Major networks are blocked to cover it from 10-11 ET, although I assume they’ll stick with it through Biden.

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Wait is Biden speaking tonight? Not trying to be funny, but it’s several hours after he normally closes down the shop, right?


James Taylor gonna get him pumped though

Yes, he is the keynote tonight. The schedule shows 8 more speakers between Crocket and him. :grimacing:


Conspiracy theories are afoot


Gotta admit, “justice-impacted people” is a new one for me.


My wife says these testimonials are really powerful. (I agree.)

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I don’t think they’re intentionally bumping him to midnight. The lift they get from a cheering crowd, the music, him holding hands with Kamala, etc etc. is with far more IMO than a potentially sleepy Biden speech.

Edit: maybe it’ll be more like 11:30, not midnight.

They are very powerful. They have me, a 34 yolear old single man, in tears.

Just confirming that Walz was the best choice. Beshear doesn’t understand he needs to look at the active camera.

I thought he looked like a youth pastor, and now he’s talking about the parable of the Good Samaritan

Which gets me back to the point I still think holds true, debates are at best zero sum. I think it’s a mistake for Kamala and Waltz to debate these clowns. There is zero upside for them, still, and a ton of down side. Trump is gasping for air, Vance is out there going for the world record at saying unappealing things completely un prompted, why put them in a place where there is already a horrible double-standard? No one expects Republicans, especially these Republicans, to be policy heavy weights, but if Kamala doesn’t provide quite enough detail or gets a stat wrong, that is going to get blown out of proportion and give Trump some life. Kamala should just say, “nah, we are good.” And keep on campaigning.

Warnock: “Donald Trump is a plague on the American conscience.”

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Raphael Warnock: “my mother went from picking someone elses cotton to picking her own son to go to the senate”

This guy:


Warnock preaching!

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