2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I vaguely remember fox news making a big deal out of Obama asking for grey poupon on his hot dog. Nice to see we got there 12 years later


really can’t imagine ordering swiss on anything other than a reuben, provolone seems like the normie choice tbh, not a big fan of wiz but if I’m a politician i’m 100% getting whiz wit obv wtf how do guys manage to fuck this up

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like I can imagine if I lived in a swing state and these bozos were coming down here JD would order a BBQ sandwhich and ask for his pork chopped (actually this wouldn’t be TOO out of line, particularly old people seem to prefer this) and add pickles (instant jihad)


I was in Philadelphia a couple weeks ago and got a cheesesteak with whiz. It was awesome. I lived there for 9 years a long time ago and was always a provolone guy, but I think this most recent experience converted me.


I’ve had about 100 sandwiches in Philadelphia. Geno’s and Pat’s are the worst I’ve had (pats is better). And very often the cheesteak is the worst option.


Only thing worse than cheesesteak snobs are the ones who make a point of dumping on Geno’s and Pat’s. It’s not just tourists that have kept them going 24/7 since the 60’s (iirc).

And warm provolone is gross.

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Mcdonalds been going longer than that. Is that because they make a great cheeseburger?

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Is he talking about just eating the toppings and the cheese here?

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Gino’s goes back to 1966, Pat’s to 1930.

Good sign that we are debating crappy cheesesteak joints.


It’s not awful? And McDonald’s has evolved into offering a host of items where Geno’s and Pat’s have survived on essentially a single item. You’re not lasting that long with the 100 worst sandwich in a city full of them.

That is the claim, yes.

could vance out-debate a jury of stuffed animals though?

Ok what other options does he really have here? Gobble up the toppings directly from the Pizza like a pig? So imo actually a very good excuse to use a fork.

Of course he could just eat Pizza like a normal person and leave just the outer crust behind, but that’s just me.

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Man watching the Dem convention, how did Kathy Hochul win a statewide election? Who was her main constituency who supported her over other Dem candidates?


Is this hochul now? Cringe

She was Lieutenant Governor when Cuomo stepped down. Then she won re-election as an incumbent.

I wanna add something more than a like, but this says it all, so I’ll just quote for a bump.


Is this the live thread for the convention? Why is the president from Scandal speaking?

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