2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

How does he square his version of reality with “saved for 10yrs to buy a home”?

Kamala is just lying about that?

This really puts Kamala’s economic “policies” to shame:



I have been planning on purchasing a number of consumer goods in the coming months. Do you guys think I should hold off till after the election to take advantage of lower prices? FWIW I am a simple man and I do not have an economics degree.




This is exactly how he understands it works. Meanwhile every actual policy he proposes involves massive tariffs. lol.

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But duh, don’t you understand that tariffs are just taxes that get paid by the exporting country. “Bad, bad China, give us extra $$$ to let us sell your stuff in the exact same quantities and at the exact same prices as always.” There’s literally no downside for the consumer! (Right?)


Truly the worst candidate in memory


Vp candidates rarely impact the election but Vance acts like a real albatross.

He is too weird even for the weirdest trump sycophants and followers.

Very surprised he didn’t go to Geno’s. “Pat’s” evokes androgyny imo.



So, still weird…

JFC man, Ive never been to Philly and know there are two options, Whiz, or Provolone. Fuck off with your swiss

He seems almost too bad of a politician, is there any way he’s done what we all dreamed some progressive liberal would do and infiltrate the Republican party and sink it from within?


Can’t wait for the vp debate. A phrase I assumed I never would have said.

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More money than I’ve ever made annual. But I also never claimed to be middle class. Firmly one of the poors.


Pretty easy for me to imagine Vance being a solid technical debater who is just brutally unlikable at the same time. Don’t think it’s going to be a Palin situation where she clearly just didn’t have a good grasp on the subject matter she was being asked about a lot of the time.

Granted that I would expect Walz to win just based on not being an unrelatable weirdo, but I don’t think it’s going to be some sort of bloodbath.

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Vance still not as bad a Palin IMO.

Nah, it’ll be a bloodbath. Both Vance AND his policies are unlikeable

The guy just lost Pennsylvania.

If he ordered whiz-wit, PA was gonna go Republican.