2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

  • Assuming he’s on the ballot, what will RFK’s % of the vote be in PA?
  • 0-1%
  • 1-2%
  • 2-3%
  • 4-5%
  • 5-6%
  • 6% or greater
0 voters

Tester +5 in new RMG poll.





Ha ha ha yes.


Trump is going to be very upset to find out that he has to leave his Florida compound to attend the sentencing. I’m not certain he’s breached his own property line for a while.


He never actually made that commitment, but regardless it can’t be easy for someone who’s been doing politics for decades to step down at the peak of his power. I’m as frustrated as anyone at how much it took to persuade the stubborn old fart to step down, but it’s like getting a heroin addict to stop cold turkey. You don’t become a career politico without sort of being addicted to the game.

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Biden did something Trump would never ever do no matter how bleak it looked. At a bare minimum that’s something.


people leaking to the nyt that joe was having hunter biden at the white house a lot and that hunter biden is potentially co-running the country lol that was pure backstabbing. joe lost all his friends after that debate. but it’s his own fault imo. he knew what he shoulda done when he was running in 2020, he said it himself. i guess they didn’t name the great city of cincinatti after that dude for no reason. right now it feels like we live in a world with zero cincinattii


The results oriented thinking however is bowing out last year might not have us in this position at this point in time. Fingers crossed but things look pretty good right now and I’m not sure they do if it Biden had stepped out last year


No I just drove through Cincinnati today, there’s still a lot left.

Yeah that was pretty awesome lol. Part of me wishes Joe had tried to stick around and we had seen just how nuclear Pelosi and co were prepared to get. It would have been bad for the Dem campaign, but also funny as hell.

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The deed was done. I will not judge a game winning touchdown on style points.

Who cares. Pin it on him anyway.

Hope Joe doesn’t do a Hillary and keep popping up to remind everyone why he was not popular enough. Just quietly vanish, please. Thank you.

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Just totally cool and normal things happening in USA#1


GOP donor and Iraq vet says,


Anything less than -300 is free money


two Ns, one T.

:grimacing: :grimacing:

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